Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Businesses and the Property Tax

A national report tells us how states score on property and business tax issues. Michigan scores at.......

Businesses and the Property Tax

Minnesota Expects $876 Million Surplus

This might impact higher ed recruiting in UP--if more and more of Minn surplus goes to keep tuition down in Minn.

Minnesota Expects $876 Million Surplus

Monday, December 5, 2011

Report: States Utilize Education Data, But Further Improvement Needed

Important report as Michigan begins to re examine how it collects, analyzes and shares education data at the state level.

Report: States Utilize Education Data, But Further Improvement Needed

Iowa Governor's Plan Would Turn Away Hundreds of Aspiring Teachers

Iowa Governor's Plan Would Turn Away Hundreds of Aspiring Teachers

Pensions Threaten to Sink Cities

ANOTHER FEDERAL AND STATE ISSUE BECOMES A LOCAL ISSUE: Penison costs at local level are driving severe budget concerns. Same true at university and K-12 units of government.

Pensions Threaten to Sink Cities

Retiree Groups Promise Political Fallout for Mich. Pension Tax

ANOTHER FALL 2012 BALLOT ISSUE THAT INVOLVES ANGRY MICHIGAN VOTERS. This might be on ballot with the Emergency Financial Managers Act that is expected to file enough signatures this week to make the ballot. If the retiree issue does not make the ballot it might be an issue that will drive voter turnout and could impact the state House and Congressional elections.

Retiree Groups Promise Political Fallout for Mich. Pension Tax

Thursday, December 1, 2011

States Inch Closer to 2008 Budget Levels


States Inch Closer to 2008 Budget Levels

State, Local Finances in a Global Economy


State, Local Finances in a Global Economy

Teaching Workforce Could Take Hit From Sequestration Cuts

Teaching Workforce Could Take Hit From Sequestration Cuts


Mich. Education Board Divided Over Charter School Expansion

Mich. Education Board Divided Over Charter School Expansion


Two Mich. Lawmakers to Propose Amendment to Ban For-Profit Schools

Two Mich. Lawmakers to Propose Amendment to Ban For-Profit Schools


Two Lesbians Raised A Baby And This Is What They Got

Two Lesbians Raised A Baby And This Is What They Got

An amazing video of a young man speaking from his heart before the Iowa legislature about a bill.

Worth watching.

Charter Schools

Michigan is about to radically change public education in the state. The House is about to approve a bill to lift the cap on the number of charter schools that universities can authorize--it is current 150.

SB 618 has passed the Senate and looks like the House is about to send it to the Governor to sign. He is expected to sign it.

Under this new law universities could charter as many schools as it wishes. Under state law the universities are responsible for supervising the charter and appointing the board of the charter.

Charters are another form of public schools and are subject to the laws of Michigan like the other types of public schools called traditional public schools.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Emergency Financial Managers Act to be on Ballot in '12

It looks like the group collecting signatures to force a ballot vote on this new law do have enough signatures-according to the group.

They will file well over the 164,000 signatures needed. State will have 60 days to certify signatures and if certified then the question will be on the November 2012 ballot.

Once the signatures are certified the EFM law becomes null and void until the people vote on it in 2012.

This means that the cities and school districts that have EFMs will not have them-they will be out of office. Local elected officials will run the local unit until the vote. This includes Deteoit Schools and maybe the City of Detroit.

If the signatures are certified this will be a big, big loss for the Governor and a huge win for the Democrats in the Legislature and for public employee unions.

US Senate Race

Former Congressman Pete Hoekstra seems to be solidly in the lead in the GOP primary, which will be held next August. He is running a solid and steady field operation and getting more and more endorsements. Same with his fundraising.

His opponenet Clark Durant, after an initial splash from his candidacy announcemnet seems to be leveling off and not getting much traction. Many activists in the charter school movement have signed on early with Mr. Durant who now runs a charter school in Detroit. He has been helped by an early endorsement by political activist Betsy DeVos of Grand Rapids.

Also many observers think Pete Hoekstra is doing better since in stopped focusing so much on foreign affairs (he was for chair of House Intelligence Committee) and now speaks and comments more on economy, debt, jobs and domestic policy.

Way to early to call this primary but early indicators seems to say that Pete's campaign is growing and moving fast. A snapshot of today but an intersting one.

Leg Returns on Tuesday, November 29th

Back from a deer hunting and Thanksgiving break the Legislature looks like it will do unemployment insurance reform. If state does not act soon it will face massive federal penalities and the program in Michigan could implode. Of course the unemployment insurance fund is in trouble because of huge layoffs since 2008 in auto industry and other Michigan based businesses.

Senate and House both have bills and are holding joint hearings--somewhat rare.

Could be the only issue that Gov and the Leg move forward in the brief December session. Might be some action on more K-12 reform and charter school cap lifting, but not sure at this point. More news this week.

Seems positive that there will be no action on issues such as The Bridge to Canada, Right to Work, electric dereg etc....

More to come.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Close Of Michigan Leg Session

Leg and Gov have about 30 days to complete legiislativeagenda for 2011 sesion.

Gov got a big win from Mich Sup Court when they ruled last week that he can tax pensions.

So what is left to do in 2011?

Lift charter cap? Add tax on car reg and apply to roads? Gas tax increase? Not likely?

K-12 reforms-- more of them?

Other. ?

Might just come back for a week or two in Dec , clean up a few minor issues and o home or the year.

Super Committee report due 9.23

If no agreement to cuts and revenue then $1.2 Trillion in cuts happen automatically. Not sure America is aware or really ready for magnitude of these automatic cuts. Cuts range from Social Security, payroll tax, Pell Grants, etc.

If no agreement on Wednesday it will make for interesting Thanksgiving table discussion- or family fights.

Funding For Universities in Michigan

Gov's Budget Director has asked all universities to propose how all should be funded and performance measured . What metrics would each U propose be applied to them and which ones should be applied to ALL U's.

These proposals were due Nov 18.

So now we all will see what each U proposes once they are released by DMB/Gov or via FOIA requests by each U to see what their fellow U's are proposing, or by employee groups or other special interests.m

Might not hear from Gov until his Feb 2012 Budget Address.

Major change is coming now we just see what the change proposals are to be debated.

Gov wins in Sup Ct

Court said Gov's pension tax is okay. But said no to the imposition of " progressive income tax" provisions.

Now with that done what does Gov and legislature do ith Gov's agenda in final 30 days of the 2011 session?

Charter cap removal ? Infrastructure tax vehicle registrations? Higher Ed reforms vi funding formula ? More K-12 reforms?

Lot has been done in this 2012 session- biggest list in a decade. Maybe Gov should just let leg go home, talk to voters and come back in Jan 2012 and get back to work.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cain and 9-9-9 Plan

Smells like a tax hike to me. Cain's explanation on Meet The Press was awful. His explanations were confounding. Emphasis on if you buy "used goods" the tax does not apply was just silly. As Scarboirough said, are Amwricans going to buy used food, shoes, clothes, etc, because if they don't Cain's new federal sales would hit the. All of Cain's chatter is showing he is not ready for the big time and not ready for the Presidency. Cain is helping Romney here with his 9-9-9 plan and his campaign.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Decline of Manufacturing- New Future in US for Manufacturing

Could the US start making stuff again. lost one third of all manufacturing jobs in last decade.

Possible? Or just wishful thinking?

Outsourcing versus on-sourcing.

Productivity of US worker 3 times higher than I terminational workers.

Build where we sell is the theme.

Lake Oeipn GM plant the union workers will make $16 per hour. Well below the medium wage. Great experiment t by UAW and GM.

Innovation happens on factory floor not just in R&D labs.

US leads in innovation.

Need a modern day manufacturing policy in US according to Dow CEO

Private sector need not be afraid of a conversation with government according to Dow CEO. It is crucial to our future he says.

Tourism Since 911

We have lost one third of all international tourist because of new visa rules.

Every visitor from China spends a minimum of $4000 per visit.

In US if we changed visa rules and opened our borders to international tourists we would gain over 1.3 million tourists from around the globe.

Right to Teach

Michigan GOP legislators have introduced a bill called Rifht to Teach law. Equal to Right to Work proposal. This just applies to teachers. K-12.

Might be expanded to higher education profs.

Is it anti union or just anti MEA?

Mig be GOP' s chance to get even with the MEA and not have to take on ALL unions-just teachers.

Right to Work Legislation gaining ground in Michigan

Legislators in GOP pushing hard. Gaining sponsors.

Snyder says it is not a priority of his now, BUT if it comes to his desk will he sign it????? Big, big question. I bet he is tempted. Will labor offer to not be active in next Gov election if he vetoes? Will Gov bite?

Leg could pass this Fall.

Health Care Jobs

Jeff Imelt , GE CEO, says there are 400,000 health job open gs now. Need to train people for them. He is Obama 's Job Czar.

Imelt is hiring 15,000 jobs this year but expanding world wide with jobs that used to be US based. Result of global economy. Unstopple. Can we get more here in US at the current wage structure. Biggest debAte of the decade.

Watch Gov Snyder and President's Job Proposal

Will Snyder's " not opposed " rssult in more infrastructure money for Michigan. Might be an interesting strategy . Governor 's are a practical lot- help me build my state. Less into partisan rhetoric -Congress might want to follow.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Public versus Private Pay Study: New Theory

"A new report sponsored by a pension-reform group provides unprecedented new data on the cost and value of public retirement benefits in California and compares the compensation and benefits with similar employees in the public and private sectors.

The researchers used an unprecedented and insightful new methodology that could become the "Rosetta stone" for evaluating public vs. private sector retirement benefits. They calculated the present value of benefits paid by the employer, netting out the employees' contributions and taking into account the time value of money. Although it can probably be refined, this is a giant leap forward in research methodology for evaluating pension benefits, which often are compared on the basis of what the employer contributed in the last federal pay survey. The latter is virtually worthless as a data source because of wide disparities in how public and private employers record costs under different accounting standards. Previous researchers also ignored the fact that most public employers are underfunding their retiree health benefits by paying only the retiree's bills and not funding current employees' benefits actuarially.

The authors objectively point out that different job classifications provide different results and different conclusions. Teachers, for example, receive far less value in pension benefits than police officers. Some public employers have been more generous than others, as well. California cities tend to provide more generous retirement benefits than other public employers (except for the state's prison guards, who enjoy immense and costly political privileges). In the private sector, different job categories get relatively better pay and benefits, so the researchers were careful to avoid excessive generalizations. Nonetheless, they did find that in many occupations in their study, public employees are paid at least as well as private workers, and in many instances even better — plus they typically receive retirement benefits three times more valuable and costly than their private sector counterparts.

The report was immediately attacked by unions. Rather than evaluate the information itself, the union publicity shop resorted to slurring the funding sources and the researchers' own public pensions from their prior employment. These new studies show, however, that the traditional wisdom about public sector compensation has been eclipsed by actual practices in some quarters. The state pension fund also assailed parts of the report, putting itself in the questionable role of defending legislative policies rather than administering them. (Whatever happened to the classic civil-service and public-administration "policy/administration dichotomy," folks?) While I continue to maintain that most public employees nationwide are still paid less in cash than their private counterparts, new reports like this one have shown clearly that the pension and retiree medical benefits are so valuable that many public employees are now getting a pretty sweet deal and in some cases, reforms will be required.

I now wonder whether any more compensation studies will shed much light on the important issues in the retirement reform debate. The two sides have dug in, and the average voter is unlikely to sift through the footnotes of these reports to draw an informed opinion. What is probably more important at this stage is the fiscal numbers: the magnitude of the funding problem, what it will take to fix it and who pays what share, when. Most unions want voters to believe that (1) it's not really a problem in the first place, as the financial markets will somehow, someday magically solve the funding deficits as they have in the past, and (2) the public employees have already sacrificed enough. But the voters' mood has shifted strongly on these issues this year. Recent surveys show a majority in favor of pension reforms, reductions in benefits for new employees to align with private-sector standards, and higher contributions by today's public servants. Public support for retirement reform may wane in coming years, so management's best opportunities to achieve truly sustainable policy changes may arise in the coming year.

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Innovations: Tracking the Food you Eat

From Michigan Farms to Your Plate
MSU researchers are developing a way for conscious consumers to track their beef down to the individual animal.
| May 19, 2011

With conscious consumption on the rise, more and more shoppers are demanding locally produced foods. But the "local" label can be misleading since the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture doesn't define what "local" food means. To prove to shoppers that Michigan beef is truly "local," Michigan State University is developing a way for consumers to find out which farm their steak came from and which individual animal it used to be, according to a news release. Since 2007, Michigan has been the only state to have a mandatory livestock tracing program, tagging cattle with radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags as a disease management effort. In this pilot, the animal will have a barcode that corresponds to its RFID tag. By either scanning their beef's barcode at the store or using a soon-to-be-created smartphone app, customers would learn about the farm's practices, including how the animal was raised and produced.

Innovations: Texting Government

Txting Ur State Gov’t
Arkansas is the first state to allow citizens to text the government with questions.
BY: Caroline Cournoyer | May 23, 2011

"If you've ever wished for the ability to text a question to the government and get a quick answer, Arkansas has made your mobile dreams come true. Last year's runner-up for best state government website is now the first state to use Text4help, a function that operates like a customer service phone bank where representatives respond to citizen questions via text, according to a release. The Text4help feature is just one of the additions to Arkansas' website redesign, which now includes a mobile-ready site and an expanded mobile payment system, allowing citizens from 28 counties to pay their property taxes from their smartphones. Mobile transactions through Arkansas' website have increased by 15 percent each month, pushing web staff to focus on mobile functionality in this redesign. These features add to the over 1,000 services that Arkansas.gov offers for any Internet-enabled device, including smartphones".

Age, Birthdays and ballot qualifications

"Three mayoral candidates filed a lawsuit against Warren's Election Commission and its members in an attempt to keep incumbent Mayor Jim Fouts and another contender, Kathleen Schneeberger, from being listed on the August ballot for failing to disclose their age in paperwork submitted to run for office. Fouts countered that the entry on the form is "ageism" and that there's nothing in state law that requires a candidate to list their birthdays". (Detroit News)

Students on School Boards

"When the Montgomery County Board of Education chose its first new superintendent in a dozen years, a 16-year-old high school junior was among the eight board members to raise a hand. Students serve on local or state school boards in at least 25 states. There is no precise national count of student board members. But only a small number are able to cast votes that are more than symbolic."

State laws different on age of majority for election to office purposes. Local charters?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Brewer vetoes gun, birther bills

Guns on campus was the bigger part of the legislation than the birther issue. News reports did not focus on that but this article gives a good overview.

We will see more of this type of gun legislation in states. We had a blip of it last year in Michigan and we will see a similar bill again in the legislative session. Same ole debate between gun lobby/gun rights versus the no guns/ ban guns groups. Nothing new. Maybe we just have everyone have to check their guns at the classroom door or at the classroom building door. Same at dorm. Whew.

Brewer vetoes gun, birther bills

Does this mean Romney wins Iowa?

Again, from Politico's Mike Allen, citing a column by Republican writer Michael Gerson, that outlines how maybe an extreme on the social conservative issues might not win Iowa and a guy like Romney might win Iowa. Then go on to win New Hampshire and South Carolina. Could wrap up the Republican primary after that--or at least tough to stop.

"Michael Gerson column from Des Moines, "Iowa begins to take stock of GOP field" - "Iowa activists speak of another possible route to victory. In addition to the traditional base of caucus participants - 120,000 during the last cycle - there are about 100,000 more Iowans who vote in Republican primaries. Party officials describe these as Chamber of Commerce conservatives - bankers, insurance executives and the like. They might be attracted to a strong leader, even one with questionable social conservative credentials." http://wapo.st/fBU7JU "

Economy and Presidential race

From Mike Allen's "Playbook" on Politico.com, cited below, we see numbers that do not look good for the President from some people's perspective. The question still is will the drive by the President to make people focus on "I am fighting for the middle class and the Republican candidates want to just protect the rich and not tax them" message stick in the voters mind. Thus driving up the President's reelect numbers. A bigger issue I think for the President than the below numbers is the price of gasoline. Every American drives around town everyday see that $4.00 per gallon number and it is a constant reminder of how bad the economy is beating them up. Story below has good numbers and ought to be watched.

"TOP STORY - WashPost A1, at the fold, "Economy is battering Obama in the polls: Despite dip in approval ratings, he still edges 2012 GOP contenders": In the new Washington Post-ABC News poll, "47 percent approve of the job Obama is doing, down seven points since January. Half of all Americans disapprove of his job performance, with 37 percent saying they 'strongly disapprove' ... Driving the downward movement in Obama's standing are renewed concerns about the economy and fresh worry about rising prices, particularly for gasoline. Despite signs of economic growth, 44 percent of Americans see the economy as getting worse, the highest percentage to say so in more than two years.

"The toll on Obama is direct: 57 percent disapprove of the job the president is doing dealing with the economy ... When Republicans and GOP-leaners were asked who they would vote for in a primary or caucus, only former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney registered in double digits, with 16 percent. ... Businessman Donald Trump (8 percent), former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (6 percent) and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (5 percent) were the only other names volunteered by more than 2 percent of respondents." Story http://wapo.st/hgpUux Results going back years http://wapo.st/dEPAwy."

Monday, April 18, 2011

Snyder on Education Reform

public announcement will not occur today. Talk of it being on April 25 or 27. Hold on. Will be interesting--it is the next large debate after the Legislature and the Governor get done with the budget "fix".

Big Blog on Campus - NYTimes.com

Excellent story on blogs in academe. Good references. Worth reading.

Big Blog on Campus - NYTimes.com

States Attempt to Streamline Education

Gov. Snyder's educational reform proposal is out today. We will see what he has to say about this topic for Michigan. Noon at the Detroit Economic Club is the formal release.

Going to be a huge, huge debate in Michigan during the next 12 to 24 months. Not just on teacher/administrator pensions and health care costs, but on parent choice, charters, testing, accountability, site based management, empowerment schools, etc.

States Attempt to Streamline Education

2012 presidential candidates 'friend' social media | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Candidate use of social media will enable the candidates to indeed talk directly to the public, the voter. The established media will not and is not now the only source anymore for the voter to get info. The voter can sort out what it wants to read and when. BUT the big responsibility is doing the work to fact check, to see if what is written on this wide open internet, this new social media is true or false. Opinion or fact.

2012 presidential candidates 'friend' social media | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Committee chairs in Congress are raising cash for 2012 | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Money does drive politics. Will take lots and lots of it in 2012 to get elected in any federal or state office. Not a good thing that American politics is now so controlled by big money, Wall Street, unions, liberal or conservative groups, etc., etc.. Need a bigger debate in America about how we want to deal with this issue and how it impacts our First Amendment rights. Need the debate now.

Committee chairs in Congress are raising cash for 2012 | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Whitmer and Dems

on the other hand I suspect that Whitmer is more savvy and tougher than GOP leg thinks. She will be strategic and tough about her push back. She clearly is the Dem candidate for Gov in 2014 or she wait a till Snyder is done. She is the Dem future of Michigan state gov politics. Watch out GOP.

Snyder and Republicans

I suspect Snyder is more politically savvy than GOP leg is giving him credit for....

I suspect they will also find out he is more politically tough than they think and that they will soon feel his rath and push back whe they do not do what he wants.

April 8th shutdown in DC

GOP and Dems are serial way, way apart. 40 BILLION apart. Looks like magic date of April 8 might just deliver a shut down. So whomwill be blamed. Last time this happened in the Clinton era the House GOP got blamed by Americans and it cost SpeakernNewt Ginrich his job and cost the House GOP their majority.nnhow will Americans react to a shut down this time?

Snyder and GOP Legislature

Interesting to see if Gov Snyder's budget and tax proposalsmholdmon- will Repub. Leg stick with him. Already Senate GOP has a new alternative on pension tax and corp tax. Could all come apart or Gov could push GOP leg to put up the votes or else? BUT what is "or else"?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Presidency and the Media

THE BIG IDEA - "How Obama plays media like a fiddle," by John F. Harris and Jim VandeHei: "He is doing it by exploiting some of the most longstanding traits among reporters who cover politics and government-their favoritism for politicians perceived as ideologically centrist and willing to profess devotion to Washington's oft-honored, rarely practiced civic religion of bipartisanship. ... Polls suggest that many independents have many of the same easily aroused erogenous zones as reporters-and improved poll numbers lead to more coverage of the Obama-gets-his-groove-back narrative. Sustaining an effective governing center over the long term would be a formidable achievement by Obama. Riding a short-term wave of centrism fever, by contrast, has proven surprisingly simple. ... Obama is taking advantage of the press's bias for bipartisan process, a preference that often transcends the substance of any bipartisan policy. ... Most political reporters live in Washington. So it's not really surprising that they tend to respect presidents who show respect for Washington culture, Washington rituals, and above all Washington operatives. ... The media love stories about the internal wars in both parties. Obama, in his new determination to hold the center, now loves them, too." http://bit.ly/hplnrp

Presidency and Foreign Affairs

JOHN HEILEMANN, in New York magazine, 'Realpolitiktian: Obama's handling of the Egyptian uprising reveals that in foreign policy, too, he is a pragmatic centrist to the core.' http://bit.ly/eo6C3b

Gov Snyder already on VP list

2012 -- GOP VEEP POSSIBLES OVERSHADOW TOP OF TICKET - Alexander Burns: "It's almost as if there is more excitement over the deep pool of vice presidential prospects than over the emerging roster of presidential candidates, which is largely composed of white, male, former and soon-to-be-former governors, none of them from the biggest battleground states. ... Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who isn't even 40. There are three Latinos in the group, two Indian-Americans, numerous women and candidates from almost every swing state in the country. ... A candidate light on federal experience could tap Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, perhaps the best-credentialed Republican in the country as a former congressman, budget director and trade representative. A nominee who's viewed as too conservative could pick a governor from a state Obama won in 2009, like New Jersey's Chris Christie, Virginia's Bob McDonnell or Michigan's Rick Snyder. For a candidate who struggles to connect with women voters, Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire or Govs. Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Susana Martinez of New Mexico might help broaden the GOP's reach. Martinez, along with Rubio and Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, could help a nominee who's unappealing to Hispanics. And if the nominee has trouble firing up conservatives, nearly all of the above names would likely do the trick, as would a prominent state leader such as Texas Gov. Rick Perry." http://bit.ly/hOW8P7

foreign affairs

TOP STORY - L.A. Times, 2-col. lead, "U.S. backs off call for swift Egypt reform: The strategy aims to show loyalty to other Mideast allies, but leaves the protesters' demands unmet," by Paul Richter and David S. Cloud: "The Obama administration has reconciled itself to gradual political reform in Egypt, an approach that reflects its goal of maintaining stability in the Middle East but is at odds with demands of the protest movement in Cairo that President Hosni Mubarak relinquish power immediately. A week after the Obama administration demanded a swift transition to a post-Mubarak era, it has dampened the sense of urgency and aligned itself with power-brokers such as new Vice President Omar Suleiman, who are urging a more stable, if much slower, move to real democracy." http://lat.ms/htf86o

A new Dem threat to health care law - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

A new Dem threat to health care law - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Meat-free politicians - NATASHA LENNARD | POLITICO CLICK

Meat-free politicians - NATASHA LENNARD | POLITICO CLICK

The end of the Democratic Leadership Council era - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

The end of the Democratic Leadership Council era - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

The end of the Democratic Leadership Council era - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

The end of the Democratic Leadership Council era - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Should Michigan loosen gun rules, allow concealed weapons in schools, churches? | MLive.com

Should Michigan loosen gun rules, allow concealed weapons in schools, churches? | MLive.com

GOP bets that Americans want deep spending cuts | detnews.com | The Detroit News

GOP bets that Americans want deep spending cuts | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Snyder issues executive order to scale state parole board back to 10 | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Snyder issues executive order to scale state parole board back to 10 | detnews.com | The Detroit News

By one measure, federal taxes lowest since 1950 | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

By one measure, federal taxes lowest since 1950 | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Foreign Affairs: Congress and the Presidency

--The (London) Sunday Times p. 1, "Afghan to hang for being Christian," by Miles Amoore: "Said Musa, 45, is being held in a prison in Kabul where he claims he has been tortured and sexually abused by fellow inmates and prison guards. Musa, whose left leg was blown off by a landmine in fighting in the 1990s, specialises in rehabilitating fellow landmine victims. He was detained eight months ago as he tried to seek asylum at the German embassy after an order by President Hamid Karzai to purge Christians. ... Musa's ordeal began last May when a television station broadcast pictures of other Afghans being baptised in Kabul. ... Karzai instructed the head of Afghanistan's spy service and his interior minister to 'take immediate and serious action to prevent this phenomenon,' according to Waheed Omar, his spokesman. ... In desperation, Musa wrote to human rights groups, embassies and US President Barack Obama ... Following pressure from the American embassy, the authorities moved Musa to another jail, where he now sleeps in the corridor outside the head guard's office to avoid further beatings. ... His requests for a Bible have been refused. ... Western groups have deliberately remained silent because they fear that any public campaign could further infuriate a government that increasingly blames foreign interference for the country's woes." (Behind pay wall)


--WashPost p. C5, Metro op-eds, "What D.C.'s school vouchers have bought for my family," by Vivian Butler - "The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program was created in 2004 to allow students from low-income families to attend private schools. The program stopped enrolling new students after 2008, but Congress is considering legislation that would reopen it. This is one participant's story." - "[M]y daughter ... Jerlisa isn't the only one who has benefited from this experience. I, too, started to feel more confident. Now I ask about resources and fill out scholarship applications with ease. ... I'm now applying to programs to become a home health-care nurse. Meanwhile, Jerlisa is deciding where to apply for college. ... Jerlisa's scholarship has been worth so much more than $7,500." http://wapo.st/e2B5pj FYI: Senator Lieberman and Speaker Boehner are the lead sponsors to renew the D.C. scholarship program.


--Dan Balz's "Sunday Take," WashPost A2, "A young Wisconsin trio could shape the direction of the GOP": "Their names are Scott Walker, Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan. Walker is the newly elected governor of Wisconsin. Priebus is the newly elected chairman of the Republican National Committee. Ryan, perhaps the best known of the three, is the new chairman of the House Budget Committee and he delivered the Republican response to President Obama's State of the Union address. They all grew up in southern Wisconsin. They are close in age, ranging from late 30s to early 40s ... They share a worldview, a set of conservative values and a determination to show the country that conservative governance can solve many of the nation's problems. And in Wisconsin, they found a way to unify the party establishment with the tea party movement, avoiding many of the conflicts that occurred in other states." http://wapo.st/eOIwlo

Federal Budget

The White House is trying to set up the debate for the rest of the month (and beyond) by framing the choice as HOW - not WHETHER - to cut spending.

Federal Budget

TOP STORY - White House budget director Jack Lew Op-Ed in the N.Y. Times, "The Easy Cuts Are Behind Us: President Obama made tough budget choices [in the budget out Feb. 14]. So must Congress": "[T]o achieve the deeper cuts needed to support this spending freeze, we have had to look beyond the obvious and cut spending for purposes we support. We had to choose programs that, absent the fiscal situation, we would not cut. Since they were instituted, community service block grants have helped to support community action organizations in cities and towns across the country. These are grassroots groups working in poor communities, dedicated to empowering those living there and helping them with some of life's basic necessities. These are the kinds of programs that President Obama worked with when he was a community organizer, so this cut is not easy for him. ... Another difficult cut is a reduction of $125 million, or about a quarter of current financing, to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which supports environmental cleanup and protection. And a third is a reduction in the Community Development Block Grant program. These flexible grants help cities and counties across the nation finance projects in areas like housing, sewers and streets, and economic development in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. ...

"We must take care to avoid indiscriminate cuts in areas critical to long-term growth like education, innovation and infrastructure - cuts that would stifle the economy just as it begins to recover. That, in turn, would deprive us of one of the most powerful drivers of deficit reduction, a growing economy. Next week, a debate will begin in Washington and throughout our country about the best way forward. The Obama administration will come to these discussions with a responsible, sensible and achievable plan to put the country on a fiscally sustainable path. The plan will incorporate many tough choices and deep cuts - as well as smart investments - to broaden our recovery, spur job creation and prepare the United States to win in the world economy." http://nyti.ms/fKcrVz

Federal Budget

ALAN SIMPSON, former Republican US Senator from Wyoming and co-chair of President Obama's debt commission, to Candy Crowley on CNN's "State of the Union": "If you hear a politician get up and say, 'I know we can get this done. We're going to get rid of all earmarks; all waste, fraud and abuse; all foreign aid; Air Force One; all congressional pensions.' That's just sparrow belch in the midst of the typhoon. That's about six, eight, ten percent of where we are. So, I'm waiting for the politician to get up and say, 'There's only one way to do this: You dig into the big four -- Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and defense.' And anybody giving you anything different than that, you want to walk out the door, stick your finger down your throat, and give them the green weenie."

Michigan's census numbers appear ugly, but look again | MLive.com

Michigan's census numbers appear ugly, but look again | MLive.com

Census counts could lead to political power shift in Michigan | MLive.com

Census counts could lead to political power shift in Michigan | MLive.com

Peter Luke: Gov. Rick Snyder strikes a chord in public employee pay debate | MLive.com

Peter Luke: Gov. Rick Snyder strikes a chord in public employee pay debate | MLive.com

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lots of blame to go around for Michigan's financial woes | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Lots of blame to go around for Michigan's financial woes | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Study contradicts Snyder's report that public workers outearn private sector | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Study contradicts Snyder's report that public workers outearn private sector | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Budget Slippery Budget Slopes | DomeMagazine.com

State budgets are hard enough to get passed but this year and this proposal could prove very, very difficult. This column lays it out well.

Slippery Budget Slopes | DomeMagazine.com

Congressional Budget Politics

"Lawmakers Rally Lobbyists in 'Call To Arms' For Upcoming Spending Fight: Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Urged Lobbyists to Push for Continued Funding," by ABC's Jonathan Karl and Matthew Jaffe: "In an e-mail obtained by ABC News, a top staffer for [a] key Senate Appropriations subcommittee called for a meeting of lobbyists and interest groups that would be affected by expected cuts to the Labor and Health and Human Services budget. The Jan. 24 meeting was attended by approximately 400 people, ... and served as a 'call to arms' for those determined to fight Republican budget cuts. 'One thing everyone should be able to agree on now is that a rising tide lifts all boats, and that a higher [Labor, Health & Human Services] allocation improves the chances for every stakeholder group to receive more funding,' the committee staffer for Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, wrote in an e-mail inviting people to the meeting." http://abcn.ws/i3NaAM

--A GOP aide e-mails: "[T]his is the kind of thing that Republicans could easily seize on as a prime example of how Washington is broken. Democrats meeting behind closed doors with 400 lobbyists to talk about how they can keep their hands on the taxpayer cash."

Important Day for President-Unemployment Numbers Out Today-

Benchmarking Jobs Day Against Election Day": "[F]or 2012, the magic number may ... be 215. That is how many thousands of jobs the economy has to create every month for the unemployment rate to drop below 8 percent by Election Day 2012. ... Since 1960, the unemployment rate has been above 7 percent during four elections: 1976, 1980, 1984 and 1992. In three of these 4 elections, the incumbent party lost. Only in 1984 did Reagan win with 7.2 percent unemployment, which was in the context of a 1.3 percentage point drop in unemployment during the year prior to the election. For President Obama, with a current unemployment rate of 9.4 percent, an unemployment rate below 7 percent is hard to envision by November 2012. However over the coming 2 years, he would see an improved political position from a significant drop in the unemployment rate. Current economic forecasting projects a fourth quarter 2012 unemployment rate of approximately 8 percent (CEA: 7.7 percent; CBO: 8.2 percent; Blue Chip: 8.4 percent). If the unemployment rate can break this 8 percent level, President Obama can credibly argue that he is making progress on jobs, even though the unemployment rate will still be historically high.

The Presidency and Foreign Affairs

-- DAVID IGNATIUS in WashPost, "Obama's story, and Egypt's: How his past could shape policy": "As President Obama watched events unfold this past week in Egypt and the surrounding Arab world, he is said to have reflected on his own boyhood experiences in Indonesia ... The formative experiences of Obama's life tell him that change in developing countries is inexorable and that reform can often succeed. ... The lesson that Obama takes from Indonesia's democratic revolt is that when the grip of authoritarian government has been loosened, it can't easily be restored: A catharsis takes place that, over time, can lead to better governance and economic growth. ... Obama's personal history gives him a unique opportunity to connect with the young generation that is making this volatile revolution. But it also makes Obama uniquely vulnerable to the charge that he is putting American security second to his hopes for an ephemeral process of change ... Obama's challenge is to use his life experience - and his unusual ability as a communicator - to brace this process of change. He can identify with the idealistic young rebels in the street, but he also needs to reassure the world that American power is a steadying force at a time of upheaval." http://wapo.st/e7uFF4

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Governors, unions brace for battle

We will hear more and more of this in Michigan as we get into the public debate on balancing this budget.

Governors, unions brace for battle

Commerce Department partial privatization approved - JSOnline

More to come to Michigan state government and local government? Privatization and public partner to public partner partnerships. Wave of the future? No choice or are there choices?

Commerce Department partial privatization approved - JSOnline

Levin: Improve border security | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Levin: Improve border security | detnews.com | The Detroit News

With state's revenue sharing dwindling, is a regional tax the way to go? | MLive.com

Local taxation and regional taxation will be the political and policy debate of the year. Painful discussion as local gov't leaders try to trim services and raise taxes--both of which voters don't want them to do.

With state's revenue sharing dwindling, is a regional tax the way to go? | MLive.com

Federal Budget

SHOT -- "Obama budget to get serious with deficit-Lew," by Reuters' Alister Bull and Jeff Mason: "Obama ... will deliver his budget proposal on Feb. 14 and fighting the deficit ... will be a big part of that plan, White House Office of Management and Budget Director Jack Lew told Reuters. ... Lew said the coming budget will lay out a pivot to deficit control after the last two years were spent pushing for economic growth. ... 'There definitely will be items that are familiar from the deficit commission' in the budget, he said. 'The president's made clear he hasn't embraced it in its entirety. He's looked to it and taken ideas from it.'" http://reut.rs/gweSSn

--CHASER - "Happy Talk," by Slate's John Dickerson: "Last year he promised America a tough conversation about cutting the deficit. ... Now, instead of tough talk, the president is offering stirring slogans. 'Win the future' was the theme of his State of the Union address. ... 'Startup America' was unveiled Monday to encourage entrepreneurs. ... The president has decided that he'll let Republicans be the dour ones. ... Short and sharp is what is needed to rebut Captain Win the Future. So far, the [GOP] message needs some work." http://slate.me/gPrT67

Immigration as a global issue

This issue is very important to all nations. One that we are all struggling with. Thus this report is important.

OUT TODAY, per Will Bohlen: The German Marshall Fund releases "Transatlantic Trends: Immigration" at the National Press Club at 9 a.m. The public opinion survey looks at how Americans, Canadians, and Europeans in six countries feel about immigration, integration, and how their governments are faring on immigration policy. From the U.S. results: 73% of Americans think the federal government is doing a poor job in managing immigration. Partisan splits show Republicans and independents favoring states handling immigration policy; Democrat favor the federal government. 67% of Americans said immigration policy would affect their vote. Full report available online after 8 a.m. www.transatlantictrends.org

Levin: Improve border security | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Levin: Improve border security | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Rep. Conyers to host Super Bowl fundraiser | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Rep. Conyers to host Super Bowl fundraiser | detnews.com | The Detroit News

With energy czar gone, Michigan wins | detnews.com | The Detroit News

With energy czar gone, Michigan wins | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gov. Rick Scott's pension proposal: State workers pay 5% into retirement, end DROP - St. Petersburg Times

Gov. Rick Scott's pension proposal: State workers pay 5% into retirement, end DROP - St. Petersburg Times

City Workers Face Penalty After Snowstorm - NYTimes.com

City Workers Face Penalty After Snowstorm - NYTimes.com

States Diverge on How to Approach Health Care Ruling - NYTimes.com

States Diverge on How to Approach Health Care Ruling - NYTimes.com

Contours of 2012 Campaign Emerge in a Single Day - NYTimes.com

Contours of 2012 Campaign Emerge in a Single Day - NYTimes.com

11.2 Million Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Last Year, Report Says - NYTimes.com

11.2 Million Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Last Year, Report Says - NYTimes.com

U.S. lobbyists fought for Mubarak - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

U.S. lobbyists fought for Mubarak - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

Orrin Hatch plays ball with tea party - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Orrin Hatch plays ball with tea party - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where the Obama Administration Intends to Take the Country and How It Plans to Do So -- New York Magazine

This is an important article on the Presidency, interrelationship with Congress and re election politics. Also important to budgeting at federal level. Worth a read.

Where the Obama Administration Intends to Take the Country and How It Plans to Do So -- New York Magazine

Reapportionment/Redistricting: Where to draw the lines | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Editorial: Where to draw the lines | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Mexico’s Universal Health Care Is Work in Progress - NYTimes.com

The budget implications of this program are huge but the Mexicans have come up with different approach to budget analysis. Only 9 percent of Mexico's population is over 60 so this is a great time for them to do this health care coverage expansion--before their population ages more. Lower costs. Note references to GDP to health care spending.

Mexico’s Universal Health Care Is Work in Progress - NYTimes.com

Budgeting and politics: Veterans Groups Criticize Bachmann Plan to Cut Benefits - NYTimes.com

Veterans Groups Criticize Bachmann Plan to Cut Benefits - NYTimes.com

Test-Taking Cements Knowledge Better Than Studying, Researchers Say - NYTimes.com

Test-Taking Cements Knowledge Better Than Studying, Researchers Say - NYTimes.com

State Taxes/Revenue/Budgeting: Few Californians Understand the State’s Tax System. Fact. - NYTimes.com

Few Californians Understand the State’s Tax System. Fact. - NYTimes.com

Budgeting: State vs. Local Govt: In California, a Proposed Cut Angers Local Officials - NYTimes.com

In two weeks when the Governor of Michigan issues his FY 12 budget recs you will see exactly the same arguments and angst in Michigan.

In California, a Proposed Cut Angers Local Officials - NYTimes.com

Congress: Tea Party Gets Early Start on G.O.P. Targets for 2012 - NYTimes.com

Tea Party Gets Early Start on G.O.P. Targets for 2012 - NYTimes.com

Political News Sites See 2012 as Breakthrough Year - NYTimes.com

the new force in political campaigns--blogs. very powerful.

Political News Sites See 2012 as Breakthrough Year - NYTimes.com

Boehner: Security detail couldn't have protected Giffords - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

Boehner: Security detail couldn't have protected Giffords - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

2012 kickoff could come as early as February - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

2012 kickoff could come as early as February - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

George W. Bush and President Obama on Egypt: Neither lived up to rhetoric - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

George W. Bush and President Obama on Egypt: Neither lived up to rhetoric - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Budgeting and Governing: Are Michigan's politicians ready to answer Gov. Snyder's call to 'invest' in state?' | MLive.com

very interesting column on how complicated governing is even when you control all the branches of government, in addition to both houses of the legislature. It is not going to be easy getting this budget done.

Are Michigan's politicians ready to answer Gov. Snyder's call to 'invest' in state?' | MLive.com

Congress and budgeting. Text of Rep. Ryan’s Republican Response - Washington Wire - WSJ

Text of Rep. Ryan’s Republican Response - Washington Wire - WSJ

Congress: Boehner Misses Bachmann’s Speech - Washington Wire - WSJ

Congress and conflicts within the majority party. Speaker cannot be happy about this development.

Boehner Misses Bachmann’s Speech - Washington Wire - WSJ

Congress: Michigan’s Kilpatrick Dynasty Ends - Washington Wire - WSJ

Michigan’s Kilpatrick Dynasty Ends - Washington Wire - WSJ

Snyder: Foreign nationals could help Michigan economy | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

state's need to attract talent and get involved in immigration reform so we can attract talent and innovation. Agree or disagree? Budget issue or immigration issue?

Snyder: Foreign nationals could help Michigan economy | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Congress and Communications

a congressman who knows power of social media, internet and cable 24 hour news.

Poli-Bites: U.S. Rep. Hansen Clarke makes his mark on TV | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Budget Cutting in Local Govt

Detroit cost-cutting plan for buses reduces mechanics, merges routes
1:06 AM, Jan. 30, 2011 |

Detroit Free Press Staff Writer
Local News

Each weekday, about 125,000 people ride Detroit buses. Nearly one in four buses is out of service, city officials say. / WILLIAM ARCHIE/Detroit Free Press

Detroit's bus system has too many routes, too many mechanics and can't account for nearly a quarter of its fare box revenue -- up to $9 million a year, according to city officials looking for ways to cut costs.

The bleak picture of the system, which moves about 125,000 people each weekday, is spelled out in a plan Detroit filed in November with the state to explain how it will attack a $76-million deficit in the city's public transit fund.

The plan said about 100 of the city's 445 buses are out of service, even though there is one mechanic for every 2.5 buses -- more mechanics than many other cities and Detroit's suburban bus counterpart, SMART. A union official said the city does not keep motors and transmissions in stock to allow mechanics to keep the buses running.

The plan calls for consolidating routes, reducing the number of mechanics and getting more riders to use prepaid debit-style cards to reduce the need to handle cash.

"Obviously, we're looking at a lot of efficiencies and a lot of improvements," said Dan Lijana, spokesman for Mayor Dave Bing.

Megan Owens, executive director of Transportation Riders United, said she fears more cuts could leave people stranded.

"They've already cut about one-third of the service over the past five years," she said.

Detroit buses lag on routine maintenance, report says

Detroit's bus mechanics have a relatively light workload compared with other transit systems, but they fail to perform routine maintenance, and that keeps about a quarter of city buses from running on any given day, according to a city report.

Mechanics acknowledge that roughly 100 buses sit idle without motors or transmissions, but attribute high costs to poor management and the excessive use of outside vendors to do repair work.

"The men are there and doing the work," said Leamon Wilson, president of AFSCME Local 312, which represents about 160 mechanics and 165 other department employees. "They take pride in their job and they are working the best they can with what they've got."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Joe Biden promises 'significant cuts' - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Joe Biden promises 'significant cuts' - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

Right's new weapon: Constitutional force - Ben Smith and Byron Tau - POLITICO.com

Right's new weapon: Constitutional force - Ben Smith and Byron Tau - POLITICO.com

Not All Tax Increases Are Off the Table for Republicans

Not All Tax Increases Are Off the Table for Republicans

Pension issues may hurt state ratings: Moody's | Reuters

Pension issues may hurt state ratings: Moody's | Reuters

Pension issues may hurt state ratings: Moody's | Reuters

Pension issues may hurt state ratings: Moody's | Reuters

Snyder's tax plan hits big firms hardest | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Snyder's tax plan hits big firms hardest | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Filibusters stay in Senate | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Filibusters stay in Senate | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Obama: Innovation key to economic recovery | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Obama: Innovation key to economic recovery | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Tax Credits

The Michigan Department of Treasury issues an annual report on so-called tax expenditures -- the credits, deductions and exemptions that reduce the hypothetical maximum burden on Michigan taxpayers. The total for 2011 is estimated at $33.8 billion. Gov. Rick Snyder has ordered a review of tax credits and may propose that some be reduced or eliminated.

Here's a handful under scrutiny:

Film credits: $100 million. The nation's most generous subsidies for movie and TV productions are popular with the public but rapidly escalating in price.

Investment Tax Credit: $240 million. Businesses claim this credit for the purchase of new equipment, computers, etc., purchased to expand operations.

Small Business Alternate Tax Credit: $463 million. A means of sparing small businesses from taxation. It is likely to survive.

Earned Income Tax Credit: $353 million. A program that forgives state income tax liability for low-income Michiganders.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gov. Rick Snyder prepares for first State of the State address | MLive.com

Gov. Rick Snyder prepares for first State of the State address | MLive.com

Snyder gets earful of advice | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Budgeting and taxes are the key drivers in this speech.

Snyder gets earful of advice | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Snyder's tax plan business tax plan gets mixed reviews | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Voters and taxes. Always a difficult relationship. Always causes strong feelings and debate amongst voters.

Snyder's tax plan business tax plan gets mixed reviews | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Michigan Education Association offers plan to fund, improve schools | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

More on budgeting and taxes. This proposal from the MEA is driven by Michigan's $1.8 billion deficit for FY 12.

Michigan Education Association offers plan to fund, improve schools | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Michigan manufacturers call for tax slash | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Tax cuts impact revenue and revenue drives the budget process. This is all part of the Michigan budget process for this year and is part of restructuring Michigan government. Not the first call for restructuring and not the last you will see in the coming months.

Michigan manufacturers call for tax slash | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Illuminating Thoughts on Power - NYTimes.com

Innovations in governing.

Illuminating Thoughts on Power - NYTimes.com

Here’s an Easy One for Congress - NYTimes.com

A budget cut? Subsidies are a form of "silent taxation" on those not getting the subsidy.

Here’s an Easy One for Congress - NYTimes.com

Nigeria’s Promise, Africa’s Hope - NYTimes.com

We spend not enough time listening to, talking about and working with Africa and her nations. More Muslims live in Africa than anywhere in the world. Four fifths of Muslims live OUTSIDE of the middle east and most in Africa. It is a continent rich in history, natural resources,people and culture. It is also a continent with huge poverty and huge problems that impact millions of its citizens. Too much suffering by its citizens. So read this column. Read all you can about Africa. Read a book called "The Tenth Parallel". Very important book.

Nigeria’s Promise, Africa’s Hope - NYTimes.com

Robin Domeniconi of the Elle Group, on Challenging - NYTimes.com

Language matters.

Robin Domeniconi of the Elle Group, on Challenging - NYTimes.com

Boehner Ends Retreat With Spending Warning - NYTimes.com

Federal debate on budgeting and budget cuts will be even more divisive and partisan now that we have divided government with Republicans controlling the House and the Democrats controlling the Senate and the White House. Divided government. Not so easy to bring resolve and to change how Washington governs and creates.

Boehner Ends Retreat With Spending Warning - NYTimes.com

Governor’s Budget Cuts Will Not Affect Those With the City’s Universal Health Care Plan - NYTimes.com

New York's Governor has budget problems like Michigan and has equally tough decisions. Included is how to handle the nation's biggest and most famous city--New York City. It's budget alone is bigger than many, many state budgets.

Governor’s Budget Cuts Will Not Affect Those With the City’s Universal Health Care Plan - NYTimes.com

Barack Obama's 2012 cash challenge - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

Michigan's budget problems are huge but so are the federal budget issues. Differences are that the feds can print money and go into debt. Michigan cannot do either--it must balance its budget and it cannot print money. It can raise taxes. All of which leads us to the phrase "politics confronts policy".

Barack Obama's 2012 cash challenge - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

Column: Gov, tear down these schools | detnews.com | The Detroit News

this is a budget issue but also a conflict building between the governing powers and authority of the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch, all walking towards a conflict/confrontation with local government--school districts. Now through in parents and students and you have a huge "food fight".

Column: Gov, tear down these schools | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Tom Walsh: We'll soon see how Gov. Rick Snyder handles crises | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

a Governor has to handle big and small problems and crises. He has to be concerned but his main job or real job is to make the business of governing cost effective and service efficient AND effective for the state's citizens. It is about governing and operating--being like a business but being like a head of a family and taking care of family members who are having personal crises.

Tom Walsh: We'll soon see how Gov. Rick Snyder handles crises | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

State of the State: Painful budget cuts coming | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

which one or more of these cuts do you think would be he most effective? How would you get the votes to support it? How would privatization or public to public partnerships play into your budget cutting plans?

State of the State: Painful budget cuts coming | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gov. Snyder: State should take a cue from Detroit Three | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Gov. Snyder: State should take a cue from Detroit Three | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Michigan recovery battles with $1.8B deficit | detnews.com | The Detroit News

The deficit remains even with better revenue increases but not enough to get at the deficit without very severe budget cuts. Tough times coming.

Michigan recovery battles with $1.8B deficit | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Economists predict uptick in tax revenue; schools may benefit | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

State revenue projects are the start of the budget cycle debate. this forecasts set the base line for revenue and spending for the next fiscal year.
Economists predict uptick in tax revenue; schools may benefit | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

State budget chief gets top salary at $250K | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Now this will make the debate on the Gov's plan to reduce other public employee salaries. I can hear it now--only the Gov's direct employees can have higher salaries and the others should be cut.
State budget chief gets top salary at $250K | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Public worker costs likely target in Snyder speech | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

will be interesting to watch the Gov try to adjust or reduce public employee compensation and benefits. Some studies suggest that Michigan public employee salaries are not out of range of where they should be and some studies are showing that they are severely out of whack.

Public worker costs likely target in Snyder speech | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Friday, January 14, 2011

Debbie Stabenow: Barack Obama will be an asset in 2012 campaign - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

Senator Stabenow is up in 2012. The 2012 election campaign has already started.

Debbie Stabenow: Barack Obama will be an asset in 2012 campaign - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

DETNEWS | Weblogs | Washington Bureau Blog

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. What do we think of this? I think it is a good idea and we should one of these programs at Northern.

DETNEWS | Weblogs | Washington Bureau Blog

Snyder fails to release salaries | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Budget reform includes openness in government data and funding. Salaries of top officials need to be public at ALL times.

Snyder fails to release salaries | detnews.com | The Detroit News

GOP pushes for help for businesses | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

It will be interesting to see if the Republicans can get a majority vote on these proposed cuts and tax reforms. Many constitutes back home are proponents of various tax incentives and tax benefits--not to mention various state programs.

GOP pushes for help for businesses | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

GOP warns: Painful cuts coming to fix state deficit | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Budget debate will be intense. Not to mention nasty.

GOP warns: Painful cuts coming to fix state deficit | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Michigan must get 'much more aggressive in everything that we're doing,' says new economic development chief | MLive.com

creating jobs as part of the reinventing Michigan puzzle. Also part of the budget cutting and rebuilding process.

Michigan must get 'much more aggressive in everything that we're doing,' says new economic development chief | MLive.com

New House Speaker Jase Bolger says 'right-to-work' status is 'on the table' | MLive.com

Big issue and big confrontation coming with the debate over right to work laws.

New House Speaker Jase Bolger says 'right-to-work' status is 'on the table' | MLive.com

Republicans take over Lansing | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Republicans take over Lansing | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Young GOP hopeful stands by her ideals | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Will the Arizona shootings/assassinations change how we work together in Michigan while doing our state public policy? Good recap of political news here.

Young GOP hopeful stands by her ideals | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Republicans take over Lansing | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Michigan has not had divided government for decades. The Republicans have a huge burden now to govern and deliver the legislative votes to support their Governor. Seems like the public is ready for Governor Snyder's positive mode of doing business. After the "cuts" are proposed we will begin the real challenges of governing. Special interests and the media will launch their attacks on the government restructuring and cuts.

Republicans take over Lansing | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Opinion: Hold bad political actors accountable - Joe Scarborough - POLITICO.com

Language matters. No civility without understanding our culture and how we use language. Our culture drives and defines our politics.

Opinion: Hold bad political actors accountable - Joe Scarborough - POLITICO.com

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Owing the Government, Money for Nothing

Budgeting and budgeting: revenue. Governments need to be better at collecting what is owed to them by taxpayers, vendors, etc...

Owing the Government, Money for Nothing

West Des Moines Cleans up on Trash Collection

Innovation: this is good example of budgeting innovation.

West Des Moines Cleans up on Trash Collection

Michigan's governor faces daunting task to tame state budget | lansingstatejournal.com | Lansing State Journal

The budget problems confronting the Governor are huge but not unprecedented. However if he wants to make major state government reforms using budget cuts is one way to make major, major changes in the structure of government and in tax policy.

Michigan's governor faces daunting task to tame state budget | lansingstatejournal.com | Lansing State Journal

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Arizona Violence from European Point of View

EUROPEANS ARE EATING IT UP -- They’ve always been fascinated with American gun violence. Throw in the West, plus a good-looking congresswoman, and the story got huge, immediate play in the Brit papers:

--The Sunday Telegraph, “US Democrat is shot in head as 'loner' kills six”: “The attack immediately focused attention on the shrill political climate in the US. Miss Giffords had narrowly beaten off a tough challenge in November’s congressional elections by a Tea Party-backed Republican candidate, she had previously received death threats and her offices had been shot at. … Another chilling twist was the presence of John Roll, a district judge, among the dead. … The Congresswoman, who is Jewish, is a gun-owner and supporter of the right to bear arms. … It is believed to be the first time that a woman politician has been the object of an assassination attempt in America, a country where elected leaders have often been the subject of attacks.”

--The (London) Sunday Times, top of page, with half-page-wide photo of Giffords: “Congresswoman shot as gunman goes on rampage.”

--The tabloid Mail on Sunday: “18 SHOT IN SAFEWAY MASSACRE.”

Study Finds Family Connections Give Big Advantage in College Admissions - NYTimes.com

This is what is called rich people's affirmative action.

Study Finds Family Connections Give Big Advantage in College Admissions - NYTimes.com

Ezra Klein - Learning Sperling

More on Sperling and his history and core values.

Ezra Klein - Learning Sperling

Obama names Sperling to head National Economic Council

A key actor in the budget battles between the President and the Congress. His leadership will be key in getting resolution to issues like the debt limit, etc..

Obama names Sperling to head National Economic Council

Saturday, January 8, 2011

President and Foreign Affairs

SUDAN INDEPENDENCE REFERENDUM TOMORROW, in which southern Sudanese are expected to vote to separate from the north and form a new nation:

--THE STAKES FOR WASHINGTON - "Sudan vote tests Obama's Africa diplomacy: U.S. sees tough road ahead after Sudan vote -- Obama seeks to avoid 'Rwanda moment,'" by Reuters' Andrew Quinn: "South Sudan's independence referendum Sunday marks the start of a new test for U.S. diplomacy in the region, which analysts say could yet present President Barack Obama with his 'Rwanda moment' if violence explodes in its wake. U.S. officials are cautiously optimistic about the vote, which is expected to see southern Sudan opt to split off as an independent country in the last step of a 2005 peace deal that ended one of Africa's bloodiest civil wars. ... In Sudan, a credible referendum would be welcome news in Washington ... But officials are less confident about the next phase, a tricky six-month transition as the two countries separate ... Crucial issues including borders, citizenship, and division of Sudan's oil revenues are yet to be decided, any of which could trigger bloodshed that some warn might potentially rival the 1994 genocide in Rwanda if it expands into full-blown war."

--WHITE HOUSE DIPLOMATIC EFFORTS -- Assistant Press Secretary Tommy Vietor e-mailed reporters yesterday: On Sunday, "Sudan will hold its referendum on self determination. This has the potential to be a historic event, not just for the people of Sudan, but for the region. ... Because the stakes are so high, the President made peace and stability in Sudan a priority from the first days of his administration. And as the referendum drew closer, [he] drastically increased diplomatic activity to ensure it was on time, peaceful, and that the results were respected. ... The President [held a] half dozen meetings at the White House with Special Envoy [to Sudan Scott] Gration to discuss Sudan ... The Vice President ... Raised Sudan during a [September] meeting with Egyptian President Mubarak ... Discussed Sudan during a [December] call with Sudanese Second Vice President Kiir ...

"[Former National Security Adviser James] Jones Held weekly meetings from August-October with his UK, French, German counterparts where Sudan was discussed ... [National Security Adviser Tom] Donilon Regularly discusses Sudan with his counterparts in the UK, France, and Germany ... [Deputy National Security Adviser Denis] McDonough Met [in November] with Sudanese Second Vice President Taha ... Met [in December] with Sudanese First Vice President Kiir ... Met [in December] with Sudanese Second VP Taha ... [S]ince mid-September, ... McDonough has chaired more than two dozen White House-led interagency meetings on Sudan. Some of these meetings lasted as long as 3 hours. ... [T]hese are only the efforts by the President, Vice President and [the National Security Staff]. Not listed are the countless calls and meetings on Sudan by Secretary Clinton, [U.N.] Ambassador Rice, Assistant Secretary [of State for the Bureau of African Affairs] Johnnie Carson, or the 24 trips to the region by Special Envoy Gration."


--WashPost Ombudsman Andrew Alexander, "The debate over immigration language": "Many [newsrooms] adhere to the ... guidance of the Associated Press, which prefers 'illegal immigrant.' The Post's internal stylebook says 'undocumented immigrant' also may be used. Discussion was renewed recently when Leo E. Laurence, a San Diego journalist and member of the diversity committee of the Society of Professional Journalists, wrote a column for the organization's magazine urging 'undocumented' rather than 'illegal.' 'Simply put, only a judge, not a journalist, can say that someone is an "illegal,"' he wrote. Laurence ... soon ended up in a spirited on-air disagreement with Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly, who suggested that refusing to use the term 'illegal' is 'political correctness gone mad.' ... A review of Post terminology in stories during the second half of 2010 shows that 'undocumented immigrant' was used about six times more frequently than 'illegal immigrant.'" http://wapo.st/hkxr5s

Language is important and is a driver in how our culture treats people.

Friday, January 7, 2011

340 state workers face privatization - JSOnline

How much of this will we see in Gov. Snyder's new budget proposals? Will we see privatization of state and local government services and units or will we see more public to public partnerships instead of privatization.? Will state and local government have any choice?

340 state workers face privatization - JSOnline

Hopper's political legacy - NATASHA LENNARD | POLITICO CLICK

Culture drives politics not the other way. Cultural drivers and influencers have huge impact on the politics of our day--and days of past.

Hopper's political legacy - NATASHA LENNARD | POLITICO CLICK

Budget panel's new power couple - Scott Wong and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

These two men will have a huge impact on the tone of the budget and political debate between the President and the Congressional Republicans--and to a lesser degree the Democrats.

Budget panel's new power couple - Scott Wong and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Tax reform jumps the line in Senate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com

Tax reform jumps the line in Senate - Shira Toeplitz - POLITICO.com

Dems, GOP jockey over debt ceiling - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

First step in budget battle with President and House Republicans. H

Dems, GOP jockey over debt ceiling - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

William Daley takes Barack Obama back to the future - Glenn Thrush and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Will this new moderate leadership of COS Bill Daley make a difference in how the Administration tries to govern and how it relates to Republican Congressional leadership? Will it make a difference in policy proposals from the Administration?
William Daley takes Barack Obama back to the future - Glenn Thrush and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Gay unions, yes — marriage, no | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Moving trends among voters. Younger people versus older people on social issues.

Gay unions, yes — marriage, no | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Northern Michigan aging faster than rest of state | detnews.com | The Detroit News

This demographic data describes why some areas of the state will have higher costs in public services in the local government budgets AND in the state budget. Older citizens demand more services and cost more to give them services. Should we allow budgets to reflect regional demands and needed services because of rural nature of the local government or because of who lives in these rural areas? Are should we say services are provided in these areas and not in others? If want this service you travel to it or move? Hospitals? Airports? Senior medical services? More?

Northern Michigan aging faster than rest of state | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Legislature's leaders say they'll cooperate, but it may not be so easy | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

This is why it will be very, very difficult for the new Governor to get his budget cuts and reforms done--even when your party controls ALL of the government. The legislature will be difficult to say the least to get together on the same page as the Governor.

Legislature's leaders say they'll cooperate, but it may not be so easy | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Snyder: Supreme Court pick will be 'rule of law justice' | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

A big, big decision for new Governor Snyder. This pick will say alot about his political philosophy and his view of how justice should be dispensed.
Snyder: Supreme Court pick will be 'rule of law justice' | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Honest Debate Needed on Public Employee Pay | DomeMagazine.com

We do need to get good data out there that tells us what are the real facts about public employee compensation (including public employer contributions to public employee pension plans and health plans)and how they compare to private sector salaries. As this article says there will have to be cuts in public employee benefits and salaries because the state's revenue is not enough to cover the state budget/expenses. The public does deserve good facts and good data. As the saying goes, you are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts.

Honest Debate Needed on Public Employee Pay | DomeMagazine.com

Thursday, January 6, 2011

95,000 Poor Minnesotans to Get Medicaid

Health care in the states. Cost? this will be part of the congressional budget debate. What should the states do on health care budgeting and services versus the federal government.

95,000 Poor Minnesotans to Get Medicaid

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

David Kolb: 'Pickett's Charge' may hurt GOP worse than 'Waterloo' | MLive.com

More on the Tea Party and impact on the government.

David Kolb: 'Pickett's Charge' may hurt GOP worse than 'Waterloo' | MLive.com

Editorial: How to save money for local governments | MLive.com

Yup. We will lots of these kinds of editorials as the Governor issues his budget and likely big cuts in aid to local governments.

Editorial: How to save money for local governments | MLive.com

Snyder's pick to head agency has major Supreme Court implications | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

This is an important and hot issue because Snyder needs strong, conservative court to back him up on reapportionment, budget cuts and pension/health care reforms that could get up to the Court real fast and delay Snyder reforms. So republicans and Snyder need a full bench.
Snyder's pick to head agency has major Supreme Court implications | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Sunday, January 2, 2011

House Republicans to bring up repeal of health-care law 'early' in new Congress

Congressman Upton is a moderate Republican who is chairman of one of Congress's most powerful committees. He has to deal with the far right of the Republican Party and the far left of the Democratic Party on his committee. It will very interesting to watch him work this mine field. The other interesting question is will the US Supreme Court expedite this issue and rule on lower federal court rulings on the Obama health care proposals. With the Court deal with constitutional issues versus the practical application issues of this law--in other words will they only deal with the issue of whether a law may force citizens to purchase health care insurance? If yes then can states force one to purchase automobile liability insurance? Life insurance? This will be a fascinating debate inside the Court and outside the Supreme Court.

Three branches of government clashing over a very big, big issue: Judiciary, Executive and Legislative. Classic confrontation and maybe a constitutional crisis between the powers of the three branches of Government.

House Republicans to bring up repeal of health-care law 'early' in new Congress

Leadership Definition and Examples

Lou Gerstner, former CEO of IBM: to create change, understand why people behave the way they do. Understand the culture of the institution . What do people value, what makes them tick? What makes them come to work every day and do what they do.

Leadership Definition --Military

Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff:

Leaders are clear eyed, frank and not shy about what they say.

Leadership Definition in Higher Education

President Levin of Yale on leadership in higher education and in government.

Faculty have chosen their profession because they do not want to be managed, so how do you manage them? There is a common sense of purpose and marching in same direction--that is leadership. Job of a leader is to paint a common vision, a clear sense of direction and clear themes. Get everyone to march in the same direction. If you do not do this everything will be fractured.

Try to persuade. Not everyone will join in and support but you have to try and then move on.

Clear sense of what you need to get buy in to vision.

Realize what is important to employees and be very cautious when changing it.

Leadership And Governor's Role in Leadership

Former Governor Whitman of NJ: Leadership is getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.

More from Whitman: Every policy you do as a governor will hurt somebody. It is not like running a business where your only obligation is to do what is best for your business or for your shareholders. A Governor must recognize that she has to do what is best for the largest number of people not just for friends, special interest or even for deserving citizens. A Governor has to make decisions as a state leader and those decisions, all of them, will hurt somebody or something. that is the role of public policy leader of a Governor.


One of the tasks of the new Governor is get Michiganders to NOT fear change. To get all of us want to be change agents at the same time as we understand that change needs to treat everyone equally--give everyone the same opportunity to succeed and equal opportunity to be a change agent. Teach us how to not fear change.

Feds to Return Power to States--Influence of Tea Party in New Congress--the 112th

HUFFPOST banner, "TEA PARTY FURY: Activists Already Angry With GOP Leaders As New Congress Begins" - links to N.Y. Times A13 (bottom of "National" dress page), "As New Congress Begins, Actions of G.O.P. Leaders Anger Tea Party Activists," by Kate Zernike: "Just a month ago, Tea Party leaders were celebrating their movement's victories in the midterm elections. But as Congress wrapped up an unusually productive lame-duck session last month, those same Tea Party leaders were lamenting that Washington behaved as if it barely noticed that American voters had repudiated the political establishment. ... 'Do I think that they've recognized what happened on Election Day? I would say decisively no,' said Mark Meckler, a co-founder of Tea Party Patriots. ... 'The Republicans, frankly, have been a disaster' ... Tea Party leaders scoffed at the Republicans' greatest victory from the lame-duck session - the extension of the Bush tax cuts as part of a compromise with the White House. Instead, Tea Party leaders complained that Republicans had abandoned a push for a full repeal of the estate tax. ... Incoming Tea Party lawmakers said they would push for drastic cuts to federal agencies whose functions they believe would be better handled at the state level, like the Department of Education." http://nyti.ms/eQlsH5

What Should We Cut

What are the top ten things the Governor should eliminate from the budget? Big and Small?

First thing I would cut is symbolic--I would sell the Governor's State Mansion on Mackinaw Island. Has its own staff of cooks and maintenance people. In today's world we do not need to provide a Governor with a vacation home worth millions and staff it with hundreds of thousands of staff.

Next I would sell the Governor's Mansion in Lansing. It too has its own paid state staff of cooks and maintenance people. Give every Governor a housing allowance.

Both a bad symbols of an old state budget. elimination of both won't solve the budget crisis--not even close. BUT both are good symbols of an old world and we need to tell the people that it is time to change, time for even the Governor needs to "feel the fiscal pain"

Time to Reform the Budget Process - TheFiscalTimes.com

With every new Congress we get this call: reform the budget process. We all know it is not working, it never seems to get done. New House leadership might make us begin to take a harder look but the issues are the same--cut somebody else's project not mine, not my state, not my district. Bartlett's points in the below article are a good review of the arguments. Worth reading.

Time to Reform the Budget Process - TheFiscalTimes.com

Gov. Christie Defends 'Disney World' Trip During Blizzard

This story is about "all politics is local". This governor has been out there talking about government needs to be run like a "business" and needs to be ALL about serving citizens with good state and local services that are efficient and effective. Well the recent snow storm put him in a real jam when he did not return to his state from Disneyland. Citizens demand to know why he would not come back to NJ and do what he was saying he was doing--being the CEO of NJ. Well the question is would a business CEO really stay on vacation while her/his business faced a crisis or a collapse of services to their customers? Is that not what happened in NJ? Now the governor and the legislature are battling over local services guaranteed by the state and did the Governor and his team deliver. A classic Executive and Legislative branch conflict. Two lessons: be careful about what you say because in todays world of internet and 24 hour cable everything you say will be repeated over and over again. Second, all politics is local.

Gov. Christie Defends 'Disney World' Trip During Blizzard

Peter Luke: Gov. Rick Snyder has the right goals; can he make the Legislature accomplish them? | MLive.com

"Fixing Michigan will not be easy". Gov. Snyder's choices are going to be very difficult. It is easy for all of us to say we will work with the new Governor to find new solutions. But when he and the legislature have to cut some of the things each of us have supported over the years or we spend our time supporting now we will react with a normal human reaction: opposition and fear. Everyone has a pet project and/or a pet issue-including every member of the state legislature--both parties. The Lt Gov was not even sworn in a few weeks ago and he was trying to get the legislature to approve funding of a program important to him and his family--and thousands of others. He was trying to use his new upcoming title/office to get something done he could not get done just as a regular legislator. That is normal and ethical behavior by him. It did not work but we should all remember that this is what will happen everyday, every minute as the new legislature and Administration tries to cure our failing economy, state system and society in Michigan. Article below is a good review.

Peter Luke: Gov. Rick Snyder has the right goals; can he make the Legislature accomplish them? | MLive.com

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Rick Haglund: Look at the positives of Michigan's population decline | MLive.com

Looking for some positives in Michigan's population decline? Well this article helps you find some or at least think about some.

Rick Haglund: Look at the positives of Michigan's population decline | MLive.com

Reapportionment Impact on the Midwest

The Midwest and specifically Michigan are facing huge implications from the loss of many congressional seats and resulting power that will have a major impact on state and local government budgets and operations.

The region's economy has been struggling for decades - the Great Recession just worsened problems.

Midwestern manufacturing employment has been declining since at least 1980. Michigan hasn't had a year of net job growth since the Clinton administration.

No state between Minnesota and Pennsylvania has gained congressional seats since the 1960 Census.

Will the Midwest matter in Congress and in the 2012 Presidential elections with such huge gains in populations in the south, southwest and west?

Snyder Inaugural Address today

What will he proposed that is dramatic or will it be a motivational address getting Michiganders to come together to make tough choices?

what were the most intriguing proposals? The most dramatic? The most troubling?

Happy New Year

Today is 1.1.11

This is going to be a very traumatic year in the political and public policy arena.

We are going to see so much proposed change that it may bring about a lot of discord and maybe civil service.

Below is an interesting observation by a DC based political consultant and observer (from today's Washington Post)

Topic A: What will be 2011's biggest political surprise?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Post asked political experts to predict the biggest political surprise of 2011. Below are responses from Ed Rogers, Jennifer Palmieri, Douglas E. Schoen, Robert Shrum, Dan Schnur, Dana Perino and Catherine A. "Kiki" McLean.


Chairman of BGR Group; White House staffer to Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush

The biggest political surprise in 2011 may come in the form of the shock produced by public-sector labor strikes and demonstrations that could stray into civil disorder as state and local governments cut budgets. Government workers could be laid off by the thousands, and millions of the beneficiaries of government-supplied salaries, pensions and benefits could see reductions in pay and program allowances they have been told to expect.

The same kind of protests that have rocked Paris, London and Rome could erupt in California, New York and Illinois.

We are heading into uncharted political territory as state and local governments face the reality that promises can't be kept. Will the unionized government institutions go down without a fight? Will the dependent class of Americans that government has created just shrug and accept the spending-cut medicine?

The schism between the governed and those governing could become greater than ever as the government tries to protect itself for its own sake and not for the public good. The millions of Americans who have lost jobs or face increasing economic uncertainty resent the relative posterity and security that government now provides for itself. President Obama will say he is for more "stimulus," but even the money-making printing presses in Washington are at their limits.

Besides, with a Republican majority in the House and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell having veto power in the Senate, there will not be a bailout from Washington.

Fasten your seat belts; there is trouble ahead.