Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A new Dem threat to health care law - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

A new Dem threat to health care law - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

1 comment:

  1. It seems that for the Democratic Party the 800 pound gorilla in the room is constantly the national health care legislation. I am sure that the Republican Party marching orders are far from ambigouous "eliminate any legislature that includes a national health system outside of Medicare or Medicaid because the Democratic Party does not have the spine to defend it.Senator's Manchin, McCaskill, and Tester are not just coincidentally from states that President Obama did not win, and yet not backing the legislislation. It is clear that saving their own position in Washington is far more important than taking a leadership position on any major policy issue.

    We have not had the political leadership that we need as a nation strangely during a time when there are a variety of media sources to reduce the difficulty in getting your message to the people.

    The question for our leaders should not be why do we need a national health program (to be sure those 50 million Americans without access to health care teetering on bankruptcy need to be swept under the rug). The question should be how are you going to keep health care costs from doubling in the next ten years? If you have a better method to prevent 1 in 5 dollars going to health and still have a domestic economy please don't keep it to yourself any longer. Otherwise Medicare limits on reimbursement surpasses the cost control methods of private insurance companies. I think Medicare fraud being a federal crime carries more of a deterent than private health fraud.

    The disparity could be resolved by forcing elected officials to buy private health insurance in the market. It will be great when they have a significant claim for heart disease or cancer and the insurance company denies their claim for "experimental" treatment or will not cover their medications.

    Where will these Senator's be when President Obama's public approval rating swings in the other direction.
