Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gov Snyder already on VP list

2012 -- GOP VEEP POSSIBLES OVERSHADOW TOP OF TICKET - Alexander Burns: "It's almost as if there is more excitement over the deep pool of vice presidential prospects than over the emerging roster of presidential candidates, which is largely composed of white, male, former and soon-to-be-former governors, none of them from the biggest battleground states. ... Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who isn't even 40. There are three Latinos in the group, two Indian-Americans, numerous women and candidates from almost every swing state in the country. ... A candidate light on federal experience could tap Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, perhaps the best-credentialed Republican in the country as a former congressman, budget director and trade representative. A nominee who's viewed as too conservative could pick a governor from a state Obama won in 2009, like New Jersey's Chris Christie, Virginia's Bob McDonnell or Michigan's Rick Snyder. For a candidate who struggles to connect with women voters, Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire or Govs. Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Susana Martinez of New Mexico might help broaden the GOP's reach. Martinez, along with Rubio and Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, could help a nominee who's unappealing to Hispanics. And if the nominee has trouble firing up conservatives, nearly all of the above names would likely do the trick, as would a prominent state leader such as Texas Gov. Rick Perry." http://bit.ly/hOW8P7


  1. "A nominee who's viewed as too conservative could pick a governor from a state Obama won in 2009, like New Jersey's Chris Christie, Virginia's Bob McDonnell or Michigan's Rick Snyder." Governor Snyder was just seated around a month ago, and now to be thought of as a possible VP candidate is like jumping the gun. Even though CPAC is happening right now, we must remember what Governor Snyder is here to do, and that is not to be running for VP (yet), but to be reinventing Michigan.

  2. I agree, it is jumping the gun to view Governor Snyder as a possible VP. It is a long run til election time and Snyder needs to show progress with Michigan before he can be seen as a possible VP. Snyder was elected as Governor to fix Michigan and get this state back on track toward recovery before any conclusions can be made. We need to see more improvement in Michigan before anyone can see Snyder as a possible VP for his progressive governing. Only time will tell if he could be a good pick for VP for his actions in Michigan.
