Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Boehner still planning to fly commercial | | Detroit Free Press

Boehner still planning to fly commercial | | Detroit Free Press


  1. When I read this article I remember reading and hearing about the Republican Party as a whole and John Boehner the new Speaker of the House promising himself and the Republican Party would be responsible and cut waste in the government starting with the new 112th Congress. In the past promises had been made on both sides for cuts but it was never heard of much and just seemed like another empty promise. When reading this article I was surprised to learn that Boehner decides to travel using commercial flights instead of private military flights as used by former speakers Nancy Pelosi and Dennis Hastert. By using commercial flights Boehner is showing the promises he made that this time things would be different. Instead of using millions of taxpayers hard earned dollars to pay for their high cost flights he would rather just save cost and fly commercial. Even after the recent attack on the congresswoman from Arizona Boehner is taking full risk that maybe something like this could happen, but maybe just maybe promises will be executed and inefficient costs will be cut such as private flights.

  2. Even though The New York Post(along with other media outlets) have portrayed him as the 'Weeper of the House' in their January 10th article "Boehner's in charge: Who's crying now?". Boehner has decided to follow through with his personal spending cuts, by traveling commercial, which places him in more danger then previous Speakers. Both previous speakers have utilized alternative methods of flying. This article simply shows how Speaker Boehner is willing to take part in spending cuts himself to better our government.

  3. The fact that Boehner followed through on his promises of flying commercial shows his dedication to try to cut spending. Even though he was aware of the possible danger of this decision, he carried through with it anyway, which I think is a very encouraging thing to see. Time will tell if he continues to make good on these and similar promises, and whether he finds other ways to reduce spending. But for now, I think flying commercial was a very good choice for him to make.

  4. After I read this article, I began to think that this is a start. While budget cuts have been one of the main topics on the top of congress's agenda, not much has been completed. Politicians have often talked about the need to reduce the budget and it was promising to read that Boehner has taken a step to prove his devotion to budget cut. I was surprised to find out that the cost of military air travel was so high. While Boehner has noted that he will continue to use commercial travel and is a start to reducing the budget, this is a very small expense in comparison to the rest of the budget. This notion of Boehner flying commercial and talking to the media about how he is trying to help reduce the budget is a good example of a politician using the media to their advantage. Like our reading stated, Congress can use the media to help rally public support through events or actions. Boehner, much like Newark Mayor Cory Booker who helped shovel snow during a weather crisis, are using the media to help gain public support and raise the publics perspective of them.

  5. Although I can appreciate the fact that Boehner appears to be making it a clear priority to cut spending, I don't know how much I trust it. Call me cynical, but doesn't this just seem like a show? What better publicity than to show the newly re-energized Republican leaning public that he is serious about tackling big bad Washington's spending? However, Boehner has also publicly stated that he has no intentions of cutting spending on the issues he feels are important. For example, every Republican's favorite, the $30 billion dollar earmark known as farm subsidies! No matter what political stunt Boehner pulls, I am resigned to the position of "I'll believe it when I see it." Although the minimal savings Boehner will be able to put aside for Uncle Sam by his commercial flights is in fact a start, I will be more inclined to break out the celebratory balloons when Boehner fights his party to cut spending on topics that Republicans just cant stand to cut.
