Friday, January 7, 2011

Budget panel's new power couple - Scott Wong and Manu Raju -

These two men will have a huge impact on the tone of the budget and political debate between the President and the Congressional Republicans--and to a lesser degree the Democrats.

Budget panel's new power couple - Scott Wong and Manu Raju -


  1. The congress and our country face many difficulties in the upcoming future that include amongst them the debt, creating jobs, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. With Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) becoming the lead Republican on the Budget Committee combined with Sen. Kent Conrad (D) being the Chairman, we could see the debt issue become THE top issue. I believe that these two will be able to come together and agree on some major issues with regards to the budget including expanding the budget out to a two year format.

    I also firmly believe that this relationship could be a catalyst for bi-partisanship between the parties which would benefit not only the congress but also the American people.

  2. Having the two sides work together Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) and Sen. Kent Conrad (D) is a fine example of two men with different political ideologies willing to work together and work across the aisle in order to have progress come about. The Senate and House realize that their are many issues to be resolved in the coming years but the biggest issue to most Americans as expressed in the last midterm election would be the national debt. It is obvious to anybody you talk to that the national debt is the most important issue to them.
    Like Mitch said I also believe that having these two senators of different parties working together to fix the budget is a huge plus for not only congress but also showing the american people that both parties are working together instead of driving each other away.

  3. First off, I agree with both of you. It is about time that bipartisan relationships are developing. It is wonderful that both Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) and Sen. Kent Conrad (D) have expressed how well they get along, and how they are looking forward to working together to reduce the debt. Their relationship while working together shows the American people that lowering the budget, and crossing party lines is indeed possible.

  4. In continuing to agree with the three of you, I do think that this is a good place for bipartisan efforts to start, and to be noticed by other elected officials and by the American people. Both of these Senators obviously care a great deal about reducing our national debt, and so far it appears that they are going to be willing to reach across party aisles.
