Sunday, January 16, 2011

Barack Obama's 2012 cash challenge - Jeanne Cummings -

Michigan's budget problems are huge but so are the federal budget issues. Differences are that the feds can print money and go into debt. Michigan cannot do either--it must balance its budget and it cannot print money. It can raise taxes. All of which leads us to the phrase "politics confronts policy".

Barack Obama's 2012 cash challenge - Jeanne Cummings -


  1. This article just touches the tip of the campaign fundraising issue it does drive home the point that both democrats and republicans are worried about their ability to continue to raise easy money. In my opinion drastic fundraising reform is still needed to limit corporate and special interest influence. Obama should be proud of being the first nominee in modern history to decline public funding...this is trend that I hope continues for both parties.

  2. I agree with how pivotal Obama's denial of public funding was to the entire fund raising issue that has become campaigning. However, I do not know it if will be completely practical for the 2012 election year. It is only the very beginning of 2011 and we are already hearing about campaign issues for November of 2012. Obama is going to be in one hard fight in order to remain out president in 2013. In order to do so, I believe he will be forced to delve into the public funding pool. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as his main goal is reelection. The likelihood that private donors will dish out another $745 billion dollars is slim. If he wants to remain president, he'll have to look for help from some higher financial powers.

  3. Campaign financing and fund-raising worries is what the article should be called. A thin sheet of worry has been placed upon both democrats and republicans. However, the article pays more attention to President Obama's small fund-raising base. After his private donors gave $745 billion last election cycle, will it happen again? Time will tell. And like Bainum said, "Were they doing that with an eye toward — ‘These are our troops in the re-election?’ Of course they were.”
