Sunday, January 30, 2011

Budgeting and Governing: Are Michigan's politicians ready to answer Gov. Snyder's call to 'invest' in state?' |

very interesting column on how complicated governing is even when you control all the branches of government, in addition to both houses of the legislature. It is not going to be easy getting this budget done.

Are Michigan's politicians ready to answer Gov. Snyder's call to 'invest' in state?' |

1 comment:

  1. After listening to Governor Snyders 1st State of the State I was surprised to hear that the new international bridge in Detroit to Windsor is a very real possibility especially with the federal funding that the State will get. While listening to his speech he made it very clear that if money is to be spent it is to be for well laid out plans that will benefit Michigan and make it a worthwhile thing so money can flow into our state. This proposal is a great idea with the possibility of more trade with Canada but also the thousands of jobs that this could create. The problem right now just like in the article is that this state right now has no money and the only thing we can do right now is try to make painful cuts to certain part of the state so we can get back on our feet. Mr. Snyder has alot of ideas on what to do but I feel that we need to work step by step slowly to make sure that we are making a surefire investment and research whether certain things are helping to bring in money to the state. The Pure Michigan ads are a hit for example and we need to make sure we invest in advertisements like this because as proven so far they have helped bring in tourism to this state. I would hope that the new Michigan legislature adheres to Mr. Snyders call for investing in michigan and they all come together to talk about what needs to be cut and what the state can do to bring in revenue effectively and efficiently
