Monday, January 31, 2011

Conyers will run for 25th congressional term in 2012 | | The Detroit News

Conyers will run for 25th congressional term in 2012 | | The Detroit News


  1. Conyers is running again? How can a man surrounded in corruption, a man who's probably representing one of Michigan's poorest districts, retain his seat for so long? His wife's in jail, his son is inappropriately using his congressional car, and we're expected to believe this guy is, quoting the article, "a victim"? He isn't even a good representative- I can remember during the health care reform debates, John Conyers infamously saying "I love the members who say read the bill. What good is it if the bill is a thousand pages long, takes two days and two lawyers and you still don't know what it means." (
    If you can't read the bill and understand it, resign. If it needs to take 2 days and a couple lawyers to get through it, and you still don't understand what it means, vote NO! If your 81 and in Congress you should probably consider retirement. Voters need to seriously think about their vote next year. Conyers, even disregarding ideology, needs to be replaced.

  2. Certainly for the Democratic Party facing redistricting this reelection campaign is important to stop the bleeding of their house seats. I cannot see what committees that the Congressman chairs or sits upon that could have a direct beneficial impact upon Michigan or the party would struggle to sacrifice. Considering he lost two campaigns against Coleman Young I would think it would behoove the Democratic Party to search for candidates that can compete against a Republican rival. Add all of the controversy in Detroit area politics in the past twenty years and it is similar to someone running from Alabama. I would strongly encourage the Congressman to back a candidate with future potential and a lower probability of controversy. It will most certainly be the number one election campaign topic.

  3. Out with the old! With of all this talk about Detroit coming into a new age (right sizing, eliminating services and urban agriculture) you think it would be time for a new congressman. Not just new, but have new ideas. This is a good example of what is wrong with politics in America. Good politicians do not equal good leaders. I am hoping some young democrat makes a run in the primary.
