Sunday, January 16, 2011

Boehner Ends Retreat With Spending Warning -

Federal debate on budgeting and budget cuts will be even more divisive and partisan now that we have divided government with Republicans controlling the House and the Democrats controlling the Senate and the White House. Divided government. Not so easy to bring resolve and to change how Washington governs and creates.

Boehner Ends Retreat With Spending Warning -


  1. It seems a bit ironic that Boehner is convinced that it is the Democrats and their"job-destroying" spending that is the cause of the high unemployment and economic instability. With his finger pointing specifically at the democratic party, Boehner is attempting to create a scenario in which they are the villains ans his party the heroes. However, as your most recent blog post shows, Republicans are unwilling to give up their personal interests that are themselves incredibly expensive. For example farm subsidies, a $10-30 billion dollar expense each year. Although across the board cuts are perhaps the least favorite political move, it seems to be the only viable solution to decrease spending in Washington. Perhaps, if Mr. Boehner stopped pointing fingers and rallied for less spending on all fronts, he would in fact be the hero he wishes to portray.

  2. When I read this article it just feels like what the republicans are going to cut isn’t necessarily the programs they should be cutting. I think instead of working on bigger problems like reducing the spending by resolving the two military actions that are happening over seas, controlling any pork or unnecessary spending they are going to put the hurt on federal employees by increasing their cost for benefits or eliminating jobs. I feel its going to be similar to what Governor Snyder is going to do to Michigan. In an article written in the Detroit Free Press, Governor Snyder made it a point to say that many of his policies are going to affect state employees and will eventually affect other government workers such as local government employees, teachers, and even university staff. To me the spending isn’t the only thing that needs to change but they way we get revenues need to be reevaluated on the state and federal level.

  3. John Boehner has spoken very publicly about his ideas and what will be done as house majority leader. Whether its verbal threats of what they are capable of or talking to other congressmen across the table, Boehner needs to prove it. Boehner is right this spending problem is ridiculous and it is a serious illness controlling washington. When for example China is buying off our debt which is about a little under $900 Billion and thats not even near the amount of our total debt than there is a spending problem. Im not saying this is all from the Obama Administration but there needs to be a stop to spending and cuts need to be made. I just hope that maybe all of Congress would agree with me and stop putting us in such terrible debt.
