Friday, January 14, 2011

GOP pushes for help for businesses | | Detroit Free Press

It will be interesting to see if the Republicans can get a majority vote on these proposed cuts and tax reforms. Many constitutes back home are proponents of various tax incentives and tax benefits--not to mention various state programs.

GOP pushes for help for businesses | | Detroit Free Press


  1. I really like the tone of this new state government. For one, House Speaker Bolger really impresses me. It takes a lot of principle for politicians-- men who in many situations have the power of life or death-- to say forthright and honestly "But we understand government will not create jobs. Individuals in our districts will."
    It's this kind of attitude, the absolute acceptance of individual liberty and of individual rights, that I salute the new Republican majority. If they do what they say, (or more exactly, don't do what they aren't saying) and if they remain serious about transforming Michigan into a place where individuals are free to trade and do business, we have a very bright future ahead of us. Let's hope they stick to principle.

  2. I agree with Justin, the tone of our new state government is definitely a step in the right direction. Especially since they are putting together a two year budget. And according to Rep. Chuck Moss (R-Birmingham) the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, "the two-year budget will allow the state to better plan future costs." Which in turn will allow our government to handle our deficit better.
