Sunday, November 27, 2011

US Senate Race

Former Congressman Pete Hoekstra seems to be solidly in the lead in the GOP primary, which will be held next August. He is running a solid and steady field operation and getting more and more endorsements. Same with his fundraising.

His opponenet Clark Durant, after an initial splash from his candidacy announcemnet seems to be leveling off and not getting much traction. Many activists in the charter school movement have signed on early with Mr. Durant who now runs a charter school in Detroit. He has been helped by an early endorsement by political activist Betsy DeVos of Grand Rapids.

Also many observers think Pete Hoekstra is doing better since in stopped focusing so much on foreign affairs (he was for chair of House Intelligence Committee) and now speaks and comments more on economy, debt, jobs and domestic policy.

Way to early to call this primary but early indicators seems to say that Pete's campaign is growing and moving fast. A snapshot of today but an intersting one.

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