Sunday, January 2, 2011

Peter Luke: Gov. Rick Snyder has the right goals; can he make the Legislature accomplish them? |

"Fixing Michigan will not be easy". Gov. Snyder's choices are going to be very difficult. It is easy for all of us to say we will work with the new Governor to find new solutions. But when he and the legislature have to cut some of the things each of us have supported over the years or we spend our time supporting now we will react with a normal human reaction: opposition and fear. Everyone has a pet project and/or a pet issue-including every member of the state legislature--both parties. The Lt Gov was not even sworn in a few weeks ago and he was trying to get the legislature to approve funding of a program important to him and his family--and thousands of others. He was trying to use his new upcoming title/office to get something done he could not get done just as a regular legislator. That is normal and ethical behavior by him. It did not work but we should all remember that this is what will happen everyday, every minute as the new legislature and Administration tries to cure our failing economy, state system and society in Michigan. Article below is a good review.

Peter Luke: Gov. Rick Snyder has the right goals; can he make the Legislature accomplish them? |

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