Monday, April 5, 2010

Threats to Governors

30 Governors have received written threats. FBI is investigating. Michigan Governor Granholm has received one of them. This violent streak in American politics is unnerving and not excusable for any reason.

One wonders how many of the threats were from within Michigan or did the threats on Governor Granholm come from non resident extremists?

Congressional offices say they are now getting huge numbers of nasty emails an calls from folks not only who do not live in there districts but not even in the state. A very large percentage of the calls come from Americans all across the nation--which of course makes no sense since Congresspersons are elected by only the folks in their districts and that is the only group of folks they need to respond to or to please.


  1. What is going on with the threat all throughout the U.S. is something I would though would of never happened in my lifetime. Maybe I am too idealistic thinking that most people love the country that they live in. Well, though I don't agree with everything that happens I still do love the country I live in.

  2. People make me very angry. It seems as though lately there has been a great deal of criticism of the government, particularly in Michigan. In my experience, the people with the criticism are often the most uniformed and inactive citizens int he country.
    I feel that the great thing about this country is that if you do not like something about the country, you can peacefully work to change it. I love taking an active part in government because I truly feel that I have a part in changing what I don't like ,and enforcing what I do.
    If these people are so discontented, then they can easily work to change their government in a peaceful manner.

  3. I think its about time that the UP succeeds from the LP. In terms of revenue we would be pretty screwed however. So lets just join up with Wisconsin, we are at least connected to them by land. Its really hard for me to even say this because I love the Red Wings so much, but I feel ashamed to be a part of Michigan. The plan to shoot a cop and bomb the funeral was shockingly stupid. Is there anyway to save Michigan from becoming a blemish of the United States.

  4. People will always try to focus their frustrations with the economy, public policy, etc. on the people they see as having the power to remedy their situation. Governors provide an obvious target, not because they have the power to implement any sort of true change but because they present themselves in that fashion. The issue of congressional threats from non-district members can be fairly simply explained by the amount of news coverage given to hot button issues in congress. People are told that X representative or Y senator is a traitor to America or that they represent some idiotic subversive cause.

  5. It is sad to see that individuals have to resort to threats against another person just because they are not happy with the way government is run. I understand being angry or upset, but to resort to threats is unfounded. If people are unhappy with his/her government officials, they should email, write letters, call, etc to let the official know what the concerns are. Then if that official doesn't listen, vote them out of office when his/her term is up!
    In regards to non-Michigan citizens contacting congress, I have to wonder if this these people are calling because they are part of an organization and trying to put pressure on political leaders. Does anyone know if any other state are dealing with the same thing?

  6. It is unfortunate hearing about all these threats to members of congress and governors. Allison makes a good point saying the most critical people are also the most uninformed. I think if more people learned about issues from reputable sources (NOT cable news networks)and made informed decisions, less threatening behavior would exist. It seems like the media is so far leaning one way or the other, that they send hostile messages which some people take to an extreme.

  7. I don't really think the assumption that most critical people are uninformed is fair I think the same can be said of most people who are not critical. Its just the critical people who create media and get the press's attention. I also don't think that informed people are less hostile people, I have met some incredibly well informed people with amazingly hostile tendencies. However I do think the people who are calling representatives who are not part of their district are blatantly displaying ignorance. I don't find it particularly shocking thing like this have been going on for a long time and things much much worse, you can't inform every one and you can't make people less hostile.

  8. There are several other constructive ways of trying to get issues across to elected officials. Instead of threats, people need to come up with legitimate ideas and ways to implement them. Threats to Governors might indicate that we have reached an unprecidented low for trust within our government, and going about solving our problems this way is both unfortunate and highly inappropriate. These kind of strategies are roadmaps to failure, and will not bring about the kind of change that is so desperately needed in our current state.
