Sunday, April 11, 2010

Joel I. Klein, Michael Lomax and Janet Murgu�a - Why great teachers matter to low-income students

Joel I. Klein, Michael Lomax and Janet Murgu�a - Why great teachers matter to low-income students

This op ed piece makes a very strong case for low income students getting the best education possible--regardless of whether they go to school in a rural or urban area.


  1. I think a lot of the ideas that this article talks about is a good idea. Teachers do make a huge difference when it comes to student performance, I had great teachers in my high school and horrible ones and just talking to fellow students who had been in their classes you could tell there was a trend with the grades between the teachers. Teachers are educating our future we should be rewarding the best teachers not the oldest. Although I think that a lot of these nationally imposed education standards are hurting more then helping. Teachers do play an important role in education but so do the students and if a students is unwilling to learn it shouldn't affect the teacher or the school.

  2. I disagree with the last thing you said. Why do you think students in similar environments have differing attitudes about schooling? The only difference between the compared areas is how they fund and operate schools. You can't assume that the students want to fail. Like you said, it's all about the teachers. So, what is the problem with politicians? Maybe they think like you and blame it on the children...

  3. As the great debate unfolds, that is, Seniority vs. Performance in public education, I am going to have to lean more heavily toward performance evaluations. The author of the article is right, one old teacher is being paid the same amount as two young teachers, regardless of success rates. I agreed with the three initiatives of the Obama Administration's Race to the Top education reforms. Teacher's should be held accountable for scores, regardless of their experience. Not to say that old teachers should be thrown out of their occupation, but instead I believe performance-based incentives would be the fairest way to determine pay for teachers. I think a competitive edge would benefit students greatly because the teachers would want to try extra hard. I also agreed with the articles view on additional teachers and assistance to high-risk and special needs students. I also agree that school plays a huge role in shaping an individuals life, regardless of their income or background.
