Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tea Party group attacks Stupak in ad campaign | | Detroit Free Press

Tea Party group attacks Stupak in ad campaign | | Detroit Free Press


  1. Anti abortion Dem huh? what a phony. When something like health care is so unapproved a real representative could not think they were actually "representing" the people's wants by supporting it. He's just another no good, bum politician out for himself. The tea party has grown quickly because they stand for what America is supposed to be, namely they support the constitution (the thing America is founded and based on, for anyone who has forgotten).It is unreal to me that some people don't care about defending what has made America great, and are so willing to let it slip away. People don’t realize we are loosing our freedom, and all the things Americans have fought and died for to make this a country of free choice, free enterprise, free people. Not some "ism" (communism, socialism. . .). Stupak is just another dog chewing on the bone of freedom, until it is completely devoured. Fight the fall of our country, Lets get a real rep in there.

  2. I strongly disagree with you. As a college student, as well as a constituent of Stupak, the large majority of the people that I speak with on campus (also Stupak's constituents) are in support of the healthcare bill. I do agree with you in the fact that I think Stupak was following his own interests and beliefs when attempting to pass his amendment. However, I feel that he eventually realized that he had to look past that and truly represent the Upper Peninsula, who largely were in favor of the health care bill.

  3. As a constituent of Rep. Stupak I also strongly disagree with the you. What he did took a lot of courage. To stand up against his own party for his beliefs on abortion must have been hard. He created a talking point for those trying to destroy the bill (alienating his democrat colleagues in the process) when in reality he said that the bill as a whole was important, but he just wanted stronger language on abortion. In the end he got the executive order from Pres. Obama and voted for the bill. Which then alienated him from the other side as well. That is how politics works. You give and take to work towards a compromise. I don't understand how people are saying "he changed his vote." To my knowledge they only voted once, and he voted for what he wanted, and now he could work towards getting stronger language for abortions.
