Thursday, April 1, 2010

Guns on Campus

The following was sent out today from the NMU Communications Office:

>>> The NMU Sportsmen Gun Club plans to participate in next week's

>>> national "Students for Concealed Carry on Campus: Empty Holster

>>> Protest," a silent protest against state laws and college policies

>>> that ban concealed weapons on college campuses. Participating

>>> students will wear visible empty gun holsters from Monday through

>>> Thursday, April 5-9. We are informing you of this event so you will

>>> not be alarmed if you see one or more students displaying gun

>>> holsters during the protest period. For more information, contact

>>> Jeff Mincheff of NMU Public Safety ( or Fred Gygi,

>>> student event organizer ( NMU's current policy is

>>> that anything capable of firing a projectile is considered a weapon

>>> and must be registered and stored at NMU Public Safety and Police

>>> Services.

>>> Cindy Paavola


  1. I'm still not quite sure how this became such an issue on this campus. I understand that many of the people on this campus own guns, myself included, and some feel that it is their right to carry a sidearm (with the proper paper work) and I agree with this right. However I'm not convinced that a pistol will ever be needed on Northern's campus and, in the sad eventuality there is a shooting, I doubt how effective the carrier will in disabling the assailant. After all, while there are those within the student body who are going to go on to be police officers or to serve in the armed forces, very few have ever been in a scenario where fire is exchanged and I doubt they would be able to react well with their firearm and be able to successfully take down the shooter. I do not think that concealed weapons should be allowed in the classroom as this is an extremely inappropriate place for a firearm to be.

  2. I also don't understand why people are making such a big deal about this proposal. There is absolutly not situation I could think of where a student would need to use a pistol in the class room. I have no problem with people owning guns or using guns, however allowing students to keep guns on campus is a terrible idea. The classroom is supposed to provide a healthy learning environmnet, not a place where students should be wondering wether the person next to you is carrying a firearm. Firearms should not be allowed in the classroom.

  3. I certainly agree with Sean. Although I believe that everyone should have the right to peacefully protest against government actions they consider unfair, I do not agree with what they are protesting. The day you need a gun in the classroom is the day that all Hell breaks loose. Although I may be naive and optimistic, I still feel very safe going to class, and believe that my classmates and nice and sane people. I never want to see the day come when we loose all trust in each other to the point that it requires bringing a gun to hear a lecture.

  4. As everyone before me has posted I also agree with them. Although, I am for people having and owning guns I do not think the classroom is an appropriate place for them.As Sean has stated the majority of the people who wouldn't be able to react correctly and efficently enough under that kind of stress and pressure in order to stop a gunman-I agree with that. I think that by allowing firearms in the classroom it is actally making it more unsafe then safe. In my eyes its giving more of an opportunity for a shooting to occur.
