Friday, April 30, 2010

Immigration Update:

--L.A. Times col. 1, 'OBAMA LAWYERS WEIGH ARIZONA OPTIONS,' by Richard A. Serrano and Peter Nicholas: 'A team of top government lawyers has quietly begun studying legal strategies for the Obama administration to mount a challenge to Arizona's new illegal immigration law, including the filing of a federal lawsuit against the state or joining a suit brought by others ... Attorneys from the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security are examining legal options and hope to make suggestions by mid-May, before the Arizona law takes effect sometime in midsummer ... Grounds for a possible U.S. challenge could include charges that the Arizona measure unlawfully preempts the federal government's role in securing the country's borders ... Or federal officials could file a civil rights challenge asserting that the law encourages racial profiling.'

--ASSIGNMENT EDITORS: 'The Los Angeles Police are preparing for as many as 100,000 marchers to rally for immigration rights in downtown Los Angeles during the annual May Day event Saturday.' --L.A. Times

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