Thursday, April 1, 2010

Renewables, Sustainability and Land use

The Michigan Land Use Institute has a new web site and it is very useful and interesting for those interested in the topic.

Check it out:

1 comment:

  1. I clicked on the "Renewables, Sustainability and Land use", and took me to the Michigan Land Use Institute's page where I read the article entitled "Renewables, Sustainability and Land use MLUI to TCL&P: More Efficiency, More Renewables". This article, written may, 31st, outlined an issue in Traverse City about Michigan Land Use Institute's plan for cutting energy consumption by 20% and coal use by 45% by 2020 which could create $151mil in new economic activity. The Traverse City Board of Light & Power has already committed to shifting to 30% renewable energy by 2020, but they also plan to replace much of their coal with natural gas. I dont agree with this because even thought natural gas might burn cleaner than coal, it's still a fossil fuel, so all the c02 it emits would otherwise stay underground, where as biomass, which is also planned on being used, only emits the c02 that it absorbs from the air during its lifetime. Plus we've already used half the natural gas on earth, so we'll have to move away from it soon anyway. MLUI is right on by emphasizing efficiency.
