Monday, April 12, 2010

Hoekstra and 100 Jobs Theme

I like this one--very creative. If you have not followed this campaign, Congressman Pete Hoekstra (R-Holland) is leaving Congress to run for Governor. He is ahead in the polls. His focus in Congress was foreign affairs and intelligence. He also worked intensely small business issues and also to prevent the federal government from competing with businesses in the private sector.

His campaign for Governor has now created a very interesting campaign tactic: dropping in on a few businesses each week and working there for a few hours. He gets to visit with customers and owners and find out what is on their minds. He gets to experience working conditions of all sorts of different businesses and their employees. Not to mention that he gets lots of great local press who cover this--especially in small towns across Michigan.

Smart move Congressman.


  1. I certainly agree that this was a brilliant move. I feel as though too often, governors forget, or have never even had the opportunity to experience life as a middle class worker. Although they try hard to represent their constituents, how can they do this when they cannot identify with the working people of Michigan?
    This is the first real effort that I have seen from any politician to truly attempt to understand what the people are dealing with. It is able to think that you know best from an ivory tower, but it isn't until you come down form that tower to the proletariat that you are finally able to see what that class needs.

  2. This is smart but how about a candidate who spends time with the teachers? Michigan might be in hard times and it is important to recognize how important businesses are but these candidates need to truly understand where budgets cuts are really hurting the state. The state needs to increase funding to schools so that it can sustain itself in the future. Michigan needs to be made aware of the need to raise taxes so that everyone can prosper, not some feel good press spots.

  3. This is an interesting move. But how much of this "move" is actually to see what working conditions are like in different venues of the state and how much of this is just to gain popularity and votes? Perhaps the Congressman thinks that if he gains the "love" of the people, that if he should win the governor's seat, then the citizens wouldn't be so opposed to tax raises for things like education because some people would be like..."hey I remember working next to THAT guy for a day and he was nice...etc". I am all about trying to promote and create jobs in Michigan, but Mr. Hobbins is right, educational instutitions NEED to be visited as well. Maybe if Hoekstra visited schools and spent time with teachers like he is with business owners/employees, he might have some sway with teacher's unions and could maybe get them to compromise more.
