Friday, June 4, 2010

Voters concerned about illegal immigration | | Detroit Free Press

Voters concerned about illegal immigration | | Detroit Free Press

What is the appropriate state role in this immigration issue? What is the role and why? Is there an appropriate relationship between the federal and state government on this issue? Intergovernmental relations? Shared governance?


  1. Personally, I believe states need to be doing more when it comes to illegal immigration. This issue has been one that the Federal Government has dealt with since the founding of this nation. However, a few things have happened in the last twenty years that has caused this country to look at tightening up our borders, most notably 9/11. Our country was created basically on immigration, so we cannot deny outsiders the right to enter our country for a better life. However, we have to make sure they enter legally. If we want to keep out illegal aliens, I believe states must expand their role when it comes to this issue. Arizona recently passed a very controversial law, but I believe it’s a step in the right direction. To be honest, I’m not a supporter of that law, but states must start doing something or millions of illegal immigrants our going to keep pouring into our country and that isn’t a positive thing.

    The Federal Government also plays a huge role in illegal immigration. But, there is no way the Federal Government can deal with this issue alone. Sending millions of dollars along with a police force or the National Guard isn’t going to fix the problem. This has to be a shared responsibility. This is a serious problem. It is illegal to sneak into this country without meeting the requirements of fulfilling citizenship. Illegal, not allowed, you can’t do it. So, why are there millions of illegal immigrants roaming this country at this moment. Obviously, the nation isn’t doing enough. It’s impossible to keep every single illegal immigrant out. However, if the states start doing more along with the Federal Government, this issue can be resolved. This relationship isn’t only appropriate, but necessary.

    Justin Alworden

  2. With the economy in Michigan in dire straits, I feel that it is clear that illegal immigration isn’t a star issue. In places like California and Texas where illegal immigrant numbers are over one million, the borders definitely need to be more secure. As for our state there are other problems that don’t involve immigration that are of greater importance, such as the faltering auto industry, which is the heart of our state. I mean are we really afraid that illegal aliens are going to risk the border for the jobs that Michigan lacks? According to the 2009 census Michigan’s population was just under 10 million. The estimated amount of illegal immigrants in the state was around 70,000, comparing the two numbers it’s obvious that immigration isn’t that pressing of a problem in the face of our other economic hardships.

    The Federal government is responsible of taking care of illegal immigration issues in Michigan. There has been talk of handing down duties to local law enforcement in tracking illegal aliens. Meaning that during routine traffic stops they will have more authority and discretion when they think they are dealing with someone that is an illegal immigrant, they will be allowed to ask the immigration status of a person. Training local law enforcement to do a job that is supposed to be reserved for the federal government could add additional costs onto the state, something that at this time really isn’t necessary. This is the same law that Arizona has recently passed. I don’t agree with it at all because I believe it encourages racial profiling.

    The Federal Government is where reform should be happening and those changes should be passed down to the states. I agree that it is a large problem of the United States as a whole, with millions of illegal aliens living in this country this minute. The only way to fix the problem is for all government forces to work together and find out what works best individually for each state, some solutions will work better for Border States and won’t be necessary for states that aren’t facing as large of a problem.
    Elizabeth Olli

  3. In my opinion, I think that immigration is a big deal especially in Michigan. I feel this way because todays economy in Michigan is horrible. we need jobs and legal citizens to work those jobs. If immigrants are legal in the USA then I don't see any problems with immigration. As far as other states like Arizona, it seems that immigration is more of a bigger deal there.In AZ you are required to carry proof of citizenship at all times and if you cannot prove that you are indeed a US citizen then you can be arrested and possibly deported if the documents are not correct and prove that you are a citizen. Also on another note, I think there is a bigger picture to look at when looking at immigration.Immigrants can go anywhere once inside the USA, so realistically immigration can affect any and all states in our country. If there are immigrants that do have a job here in the USA and they are getting government benefits because they are not able to report that they have a job, I think that is unfair and that it something that needs to be addressed in immigration policy. Also illegal immigrants don't pay taxes which is also a big problem, especially with todays recession. B

    Brandon Way, please let me know what you think about any of my ideas or postings. Thanks.

  4. In the article, Voters concerned about illegal immigration, a majority of Michigan residents consider illegal immigration a problem. Immigration was not pointed out as much until Arizona passed the new law giving law enforcement the right to id people who may look like they are here illegally. Republicans and Independents are the largest group of people to see illegal immigration as having an effect on the economy. Personally, I think it is a problem because America is having issues with overcrowding in schools, crime, etc. That’s not to say I agree with the drastic measures Arizona is taking on the issues. But I believe that they may feel they have no other choice but to start iding people. I think all parties need to come together. I agree with Shirley Switzer in the article when she says that immigrants should be done legally.

  5. I feel the articals injustly singles out immigrants as the sole problem in the Michigan economy.

    A 56% majority of Michiganders believe illegal immigration is important or a major problem for the state, but even more, 62%, say it isn’t damaging the local economy, according to a Free Press-WXYZ-TV poll released today.- immigration article.

    Lets be honest here ther are more prople on unemployment because it’s easier and better michigan that depended on the minning, factory jobs, construction, outside labor jobs and union jobs. An analysis done by the economic policy institues says that 67% of michigans unemployed collect unemplpment benefits. I know many people that say unemployment is better than working is’t more money that minimum wage why go back to work. Of these people non are illigal aliens. Nor have they complained that the immigrants are taking their jobs away.

    In states like California, Texad, and Arizona this could be the issue but last time I cheked there weren’t illigal aliens heading big corprate companines or living the high life in Beverly Hills, Ca. off of what they have collected working the strawberry fields or laboring away all day in the heat of the sun on the farms. Not many people want these type of jobs but they need to be done to keep the produce rotatioing in the circle of our lives. If I remember correctly on legitimate job applications there is a protion that asks if you are a U.S. citizen if not do you hold a green card. With out a social security number you are pretty much not applicable in the job field.

    Why aren’t people as up in arms about the prison system? We clothe, house, feed and educate for free. Well not for free at the expense of our taxpayers dollars. I have no desire to educate or pay for a murrder, child molestor, rapist, robber or any type of criminal to live when I can barely pay my bills and stay on top. That is more frustrating to me than someone trying to make a go of life at a minimal paying job. Focus on what is the problem instead of trying to place blame on others.

    Another thing we forget is that there is no way the state can handle the problem by it self we need the federal government this is probably why they are in charge of the immigration situation. It would be nice for both to focus on filtering through illegal aliens and present the opportunity to become a U.S. citizen. According to the U.S. citizenship and immigration services it says an immigrant can maintain citizenship through employment.

    The thought of stripping a child from its parent is inhumane. If you are born on U.S. soil you are a U.S. citizen. At least what’s what I’ve fond though my research on the subject. I don’t see how this situation is any different from the case involving an American woman who married an Islamic Iranian and went back to Iran to live with him under false pretenses and found her life to be very bad. She wouldn’t leave with out her daughter so she had to smuggle her daughter out of the country and take her back into the U.S. her daughter wasn’t a U.S. citizen but we fought to keep her in the country with her mother because we were affected by sentimental value of the situation. Where is it different to take a parent away from a child?

    Maryebth Boogren
