Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lansing's medical marijuana ordinance split into 2 measures | | Lansing State Journal

Lansing's medical marijuana ordinance split into 2 measures | | Lansing State Journal


  1. I have always been confused on how marijuana became illegal but cigarettes which have been linked to cancer is legal. In my opinion it seems that cigarettes are more deadly and dangerous then marijuana. I am no way advocating drugs by any means, however, I have never understood why it is was ever illegal but cigarettes are legal and deadly. Like cigarettes, I think marijuana should only be used in selected and private areas because it is still a drug and should not be around children. I further believe there are more issues that need to be focused on in Lansing than the limitations and distance for marijuana use.

  2. I held a very informational debate last semester regarding the legalization of marijuana. There are so many benefits associated with marijuana, it's a damned shame that it is illegal for the use of it by people with disabilitating illnesses. Marijuana has amazing effects on people w/ Alzheimers, Parkinsons, patients affected by radiation from chemotherapy, wasting patients, the list is truly endless. My biggest argument is that the government can grow marijuana at the tax payers expense for a select few chronically/terminally ill patients still to this day since like 1975. I feel that marijuana use whether for personal or medical reasons should be the choice of the individual. I do not believe children should be subjected to it. I do not believe that criminalization of marijuana defers people from using it. I truly believe it should be legal for the medical attributes alone, the American Medical Association stated clear back in the 30s that it was a mistake to make marijuana illegal for that same reason. I tend to agree.

  3. I agree with your observation of cigarettes vs marijuana and I truly feel the same about alcohol. How many people do you know that smoke a joint and then go kill a family of four? And yet alcohol is completely legal. If you travel to Mexico or any other European nation that has no drinking age you do not see the drunkedness and raging alcoholics. If you take the temptation away there is no desire for it. In those countries I mentioned they can drink, they don't do it because they can.

  4. I personally beleive that medical marijuana is fine on all counts. If youare approved to be a care giver that is fine too.I think that people who are able to use medical marijuana should be able to smoke in designated areas, similar to smoking cigarettes. Although cigarettes are more harmful to the environment and to ones health, I still beleive that the person should be able to smoke when and where they want within designated areas. Going along with your arguement Tluftbabygirl about the problems with drinking Vs. pot smokers I totally agree and booze is legal. So as are there restrictions on drinking there should be restrictions on medical marijuana.

  5. Marijuana, in my opinion, is not a problem. Alcohol abuse causes cirrhosis of the liver, can severely impair judgement, and causes many fatalities every year due to drunk driving. Cigarettes are directly linked to oral, esophageal and lung cancers, can damage the teeth beyond usability, and produce second-hand smoke, which is equally as dangerous.

    I know quite a few people who partake in the recreational use of marijuana who don't have any form of cancer, don't use around their children (if they have children) and who haven't accidentally hit a little girl leaving the drive through at McDonald's, accidentally shot and killed their best friends with their dad's guns in the den, or done anything else remotely similar. The vast majority simply want to sit on their asses on the couch, watch some bizarre late-night Japanese game shows and munch on some Cheetos and Oreos.

    If we can't have access to a relatively harmless and completely natural substance, then refined substances such as alcohol (which occurs by fermentation, NOT naturally) and processed substances such as cigarettes (which contain incredibly dangerous chemicals designed for industrial cleaning and killing rodents) should not be allowed to be accessed by anyone.

    I can't help but feel like the government has their head so far up their rectums they are seeing out their nostrils when they advocate vehemently against marijuana with their propaganda, but still allow the manufacture and sale of cigarettes and alcohol which kill thousands of people every year.
