Monday, June 28, 2010

Supreme Court extends gun rights | | Detroit Free Press

Supreme Court extends gun rights | | Detroit Free Press

Many states and local gov'ts will be trying to figure out this decision and seeing how it applies to local and state efforts to control guns. Will result in lots of debate.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a good thing to be able to bare arms anywhere you are, for self defense reasons of course. I think that the second amendment should be for everyone. Regardless of who the people are or what they have done in their lives that could prohibit them from having guns on them or in their homes, the constitution states we are allowed to bare arms. I think the only people who should have guns are people that have been convicted of a violent crime. If someone who had been in trouble for a B&E or distribution of marijuana when they were a kid, but had spent no time in state or federal prison, then I believe they should still have the right to keep a gun in their home for self defense purposes. However I believe there should be steps in order to obtain such a permit when a person is put on papers of the law( convicted of a crime misdemeanor or felony). Gun rights and laws are a very touchy subject for a lot of different kind of people. State and local governments will have lots of debating over this issue for time to come.
