Wednesday, June 23, 2010

State Rep. Dave Agema hopes to outlaw marriages for illegal immigrants |

State Rep. Dave Agema hopes to outlaw marriages for illegal immigrants |

Hmmmmmmmm. Anyone see some constitutional issues here?


  1. Rep. Dave Agema is completely off base by attempting to make marriage unattainable for illegal immigrants. It is unconstitutional for anyone to say who has the legal right or not to marry. All in all, everyone should have the right to marry; whether gay, straight, or illegal alien. This new move to make marriage illegal to immigrants is yet another example of government becoming far too involved.

  2. Sara- I agree with you. I think that this is going way to far. I think no matter what anyone should be able to get married. It is like telling someone they cannot sleep during the day, whose right is that? I think Re. Agema should be focusing more on issues that affect everyone not a matter that has nothing to do with everyone collectively.

  3. I don't think that Dave Agema is so off base. It's like the whole anchor baby issue. Illegal Immigrants coming in and having children in the United States and having the chance through a process called family reunification to stay here. I don't agree, if they want to get married get married before they illegally immigrate here, why should they have the right to get married here when they don't even have the right to be here in the first place? Marriage is not an emergency especially if they aren't getting benefits from it, if it was they would have considered it before they came into the country, I feel like it has an underlying agenda to somehow create ties in the United States to avoid deportation. They have the right to marriage in the country that they came from, they should come in legally and then enjoy the rights that we do.

  4. I really can’t pick a side on this issue. First off all, there shouldn’t be any law that prohibits two people from marrying. None. That's against everything that our country was founded on. However, getting married requires the two to get a marriage license. In order to get your marriage license, you need a social security number. So, what if you weren’t born in the US? I’m guessing you don’t have a social security number. So, it seems it would be easy to ban illegal immigrants from getting married. The state has no right to take away certain rights that are guaranteed to the “citizens” of the United States. However, these illegal immigrants are not US citizens. They may live here, but not legally. So, if you are not a US citizen, can the state or federal government take away rights? They can't take away rights of citizens, so can they take away the rights of illegal immigrants?. I'm not sure. All I know it that if he's trying to fix the immigration issue, he's going at it the wrong way.
