Monday, June 28, 2010

States must make deep cuts without federal Medicaid funds - Jun. 28, 2010

States must make deep cuts without federal Medicaid funds - Jun. 28, 2010

This will be an issue here in Michigan.

Immigrant students face deportation to countries they don't remember -

Immigrant students face deportation to countries they don't remember -

Paul Krugman: Why We Could Be Entering 'A Third Depression'

Paul Krugman: Why We Could Be Entering 'A Third Depression'

interesting read--especially those who are concurring with Krugman.

Christian Group Can't Bar Gays, Get Funding At Hastings College, Court Says

Christian Group Can't Bar Gays, Get Funding At Hastings College, Court Says

Supreme Court extends gun rights | | Detroit Free Press

Supreme Court extends gun rights | | Detroit Free Press

Many states and local gov'ts will be trying to figure out this decision and seeing how it applies to local and state efforts to control guns. Will result in lots of debate.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lansing's medical marijuana ordinance split into 2 measures | | Lansing State Journal

Lansing's medical marijuana ordinance split into 2 measures | | Lansing State Journal

Bar owners: smoking ban hurting business | | The Enquirer

Bar owners: smoking ban hurting business | | The Enquirer

Mexico files court brief against Arizona immigration law -

Mexico files court brief against Arizona immigration law -

States and immigration--a very developing story in scores and scores of states.

State Rep. Dave Agema hopes to outlaw marriages for illegal immigrants |

State Rep. Dave Agema hopes to outlaw marriages for illegal immigrants |

Hmmmmmmmm. Anyone see some constitutional issues here?

Michigan to offer $154M in U.S. aid to borrowers | | Detroit Free Press

Michigan to offer $154M in U.S. aid to borrowers | | Detroit Free Press

good example of federalism--federal and state governments working together to serve citizens. question remains as to whether this is good public policy--aiding borrowers. Is it?

Detroit Regional Chamber endorses 3 for governor | | Detroit Free Press

Detroit Regional Chamber endorses 3 for governor | | Detroit Free Press

Not sure these kind of endorsements mean much anymore. Voters have so many more sources of information to help them form their opinions and make their final choice as to who to vote for in elections--internet, blogs, cable tv, talk radio, newspapers, all 24/7 sources.

Also endorsements only mean something if the endorsing organization is going to do a heavy get out the vote drive. Primary elections are all about turnout and who turns out. In Michigan only approx 20% of voters vote in primary elections.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Voters get say on felons in office | | The Detroit News

Voters get say on felons in office | | The Detroit News

Critics: Merger of Michigan agencies gives national resources short shrift | | The Detroit News

Critics: Merger of Michigan agencies gives national resources short shrift | | The Detroit News

Nationally there is a big drive toward these types of state agency mergers in order to create efficiencies and to bring about cost savings that are so important to the fiscally desperate states.

Are they as good as they sound? Do they really save dollars? Are there other risks like discussed in this article? What should the legislature do here?

World looks to Canada for model economy | | The Detroit News

World looks to Canada for model economy | | The Detroit News

also note that Senator Stabenow has asked Prez to get Canada to stop drilling in Great Lakes. This article gives you an insight into why Canada might not want to stop doing that and to risk further growth of their economy.

Poli-Bites: Small poll bears some big news for Clarke | | Detroit Free Press

Poli-Bites: Small poll bears some big news for Clarke | | Detroit Free Press

Big upset if Clarke beats incumbent Congresswoman Kilpatrick. Can't help wondering if her son's problems are causing her problems in her reelection bid. Big, Big deal.

Also this article gives you an insight into why Gov candidate Bernaro is so popular with the unions. Tough guy and very pro working class folks.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dems' tough new immigration pitch - Carrie Budoff Brown -

Dems' tough new immigration pitch - Carrie Budoff Brown -

Federalism? State involvement? Federal border responsibility? Federal payment for state costs? All questions to be answered in legislation. Need to make sure state's are involved in debate and that federal government takes responsibility for federal border issue. True or false?

Michigan Democratic official files complaint against justice | | Detroit Free Press

Michigan Democratic official files complaint against justice | | Detroit Free Press

Maybe this is another reason we should amend the Michigan Constitution to take our justices out of partisan politics--not allowing the political parties to nominate the justices at their state conventions. Maybe they all should run as independents, non partisan candidates? Also maybe the Commission that rules on Judicial Ethics and behavior should not be made up of all, or close to all, judges and lawyers. A majority of non judges and non lawyers would make a real, real difference.

GOP women take charge in primaries | | The Detroit News

GOP women take charge in primaries | | The Detroit News

Big nite for women candidates in both parties. A change in the seascape of gender politics in America. Both of the Republican women in California who one the primaries for Governor and Senator are former CEOs of major companies. Very interesting development. Will the voters see them as outsiders or will they see them as corporate people who are not for middle class Americans???? We shall see.

Lawmakers continue state budget debates | | The Detroit News

Lawmakers continue state budget debates | | The Detroit News

Should K-12 surplus funds from dedicated tax revenues be taken for higher education and community colleges? Or should that tax surplus that is dedicated to K-12 be used to make up past K-12 reductions? Should this money be used for higher education purposes, like restoring the Promise Grants for students that have been eliminated.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Gingrich pitches no-tax zone to revive Detroit | | The Detroit News

Gingrich pitches no-tax zone to revive Detroit | | The Detroit News

This debate on the Gingrich is worth doing. Will a tax free zone for Detroit lead to investment in Detroit and revitalize the City of Detroit? On the other hand the question of what should the state and Detroit for revenue so they can operate their appropriate functions--police, fire, schools, infrastructure, etc.?

If this tax free zone does work and is proven to bring investment into the city why are we excluding other urban centers who are also suffering: Flint, Saginaw, Muskegon, Benton Harbor? If its good for Detroit why not these urban centers/cities?

Gubernatorial candidates mix it up on bridge, labor, lakes | | The Detroit News

Gubernatorial candidates mix it up on bridge, labor, lakes | | The Detroit News

A good old fashion political brawl is good for the soul and good reading. However after that it should be back to a discussion of real issues with real solutions being put forward.

On a serious note there has got to be a better way to get transparency on the backgrounds of candidates for statewide office and sort of a "truth squad" on what they claim and what they own.

Voters concerned about illegal immigration | | Detroit Free Press

Voters concerned about illegal immigration | | Detroit Free Press

What is the appropriate state role in this immigration issue? What is the role and why? Is there an appropriate relationship between the federal and state government on this issue? Intergovernmental relations? Shared governance?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Poll results: Taking Michigan's pulse | | Detroit Free Press

Poll results: Taking Michigan's pulse | | Detroit Free Press

Good details on the pulse of Michigan citizens. Interesting that 25% of all polled would cut budget to deal with ALL of the needed budget budget deficit reduction. That is a large number.

Michigan voters prefer cuts to higher taxes | | Detroit Free Press

Michigan voters prefer cuts to higher taxes | | Detroit Free Press

This trend among Michigan voters will continue to get larger until the State starts cutting programs and services more than they have done up to now. I think that voters early next year will not like some of the cuts that could be coming our way. However it is interesting message to policy makers that the old days of budget making, budget cutting and operations of government programs is not going to be accepted by Michigan voters.