Monday, November 15, 2010

Lansing-State Capital

Lansing is a city of young idealists and old cynics... To paraphrase Dick Armey about Washington.

Will the young idealists win in Lansing this year as they try to reform state government and cut the state budget. Or will then old cynics block all innovation and reform?.

Is the new Governor a young idealist? Okay maybe a middle aged idealist who is also a practitioner of the artbof what is possible? The art of politics.


  1. I think that this could be a really good time for young idealist to make some changes. A lot of people are upset at the state of the government of Michigan so that will make it a lot easier to try some new and inventive idea. Additionally, I think that the new Governor is a little bit of both, you don't have to be young to be an idealist, but I think more than being an idealist he is a business focused man, which could be really effective in making Michigan's economy better, it could be an epic fail too, but I guess we will just have to see.

  2. I agree with Connie. Snyder seems to be an idealist who will work across party lines for the betterment of the state. If some young innovators help him and hold him to his word we could see a lot of really great changes. On the other hand, if he turns out to be just another politician whose platform changes after getting elected, we could see a continuation of the same old stuff.

  3. In my opinion, I think the young idealists will prevail. I mean our Country and State are in the biggest debt they've ever been in. We've exhausted almost every other option and new ideas and budget cuts are what our state needs. I believe that the old cynics will initially try to block any sign of change, but in the end they'll realize that we've run out of options and really have no other choice.
