Monday, November 1, 2010

ALL CAPS? Not OK on road signs, federal government says -

good grief. Talk about feds imposing costs on local units of government. Maybe the feds should pay for what they force upon local units of government--or at least be mandated to justify these kind crazy mandated programs.

ALL CAPS? Not OK on road signs, federal government says -


  1. I think this is pretty ridiculous, it's so expensive! It would cost around 1.4 million dollars for the city of Milwaukee and thousands from smaller cities, that's not okay. Smaller towns and cities can't afford these kinds of extra expenses just to change the font of street signs in economic times like these.

  2. I think this is ridiculous to even consider this. There probably over a billion stop signs and the cost to do this would be astronomical. The stop signs that we have now are fine its just that people who cant see them need to go to the optometrist once in a while. Instead of spending all of this money on stop signs we should spend it on eye care for people that cant afford it. By doing this people who cant see will be able to and also there would be as many accidents on the road then.

  3. I totally agree with Connie in that the project for changing street signs is ridiculous. In this day and age, our economy is collapsing and people are worried about changing the way certain street signs look. People that advised this whole idea are idiots and should take that 1.4 million dollars and make everyone get a eye check up.

  4. How can the government justify such a change that is going to be so costly for many cities whether big or small. You see the cost from this article as it affects the city of Milwaukee with the their replacement of signs costing 1.4 million dollars. That's completely absurd. If a stop sign is in good condition why fix something that does not need to be fixed. How does this benefit a community besides increasing cost in a already cut budget. As a citizen if I was not able to read a sign that was in good condition then it is my responsibility to get glasses or to not drive at all! This article has caught my eye as it affects my hometown of Iron Mountain. Stop making policies and recommendations that are unnecessary in a time where money is scarce, lets make innovations that will benefit cities and rural areas.

  5. I like Aaron's (facetious?) idea of giving money for eye exams instead. Even better, just give everyone who gets a driver's license Lasik. Group discount rates, right?

  6. Apparently this will benefit the 3M company more than anyone else. Who did they buy off?
