Monday, November 15, 2010

Arrest records of state lawmakers raise questions of standards


Arrest records of state lawmakers raise questions of standards


  1. I don't think that background history should be an issue when becoming a lawmaker. A key reason is that whatever is someones past is their past and they probably are not happy with it. our most recent president admitted that he has smoked marijuana and also done cocaine. With a majority of the people voting for a candidate who had done cocaine, I would say it really doesn't matter. I believe if you are a good politician then your a good politician it shouldn't matter what you have done in your past.

  2. I agree with Aaron. A person should not be stopped from becoming a lawmaker simply because of mistakes they have made in their past. However, I do beleive that these misdeeds should be made known to voters before elections, so that voters are aware of them before they vote for a candidate. It also somewhat concerns me that the people making the laws are having trouble following them.

  3. I agree as well. While it's interesing to hear about our legislature's past, it should not play a significant factor as to whether or not the person would be elected into office. "Criminals" can have just as good of ideas for invigorating our government as any other person. We've all made mistakes, politicians included.

  4. I disagree in part with Aaron's post. Looking at a person's past is usually a pretty good indicator of how they will act in the present. I do believe that people deserve second chances, but at the same time they shouldn't be able to cover up their past demons. The voters need to be aware of their lawmakers acts. Josh's comment stating, "it also somewhat concerns me that the people making the laws are having trouble following them" is exactly the point. How are we as a society supposed to follow the laws when the people who made them don't have to follow them. Not to mention this article also states that almost every charge against a lawmaker was dismissed or dropped. The stability of a society lies in its faith in their government. These lawmakers, or law breakers, are fueling America's distrust in its government, and are one of the multiple factors in the faulting stability of our society.

  5. I would have to disagree with Aaron's post as well. If anyone applying for a job has a drug record they aren't going to get hired yet these people can serve in the governement, it just seems like another case of lawmakers not being held to the same stanards as the rest of America.

  6. I disagree with most of the post so far, past criminal records should be a deciding factor. In this article, we saw lawmakers getting off of crimes that let alone should in-prison them but let alone let them be lawmakers. The past is always with them, and would be learn from repeat offenders, they make mistake after mistake.
    Also, if we allow them to become lawmakers with records that show infamous crimes what is this saying about our government and laws alike. We need to spring clean our government and we need to do it now, become we have the mafia running our local government.
