Friday, November 19, 2010

Bill promoting federal teleworking goes to Obama -

This might spread to state and local governments. Also is a way to cut back on capital expense, building expenses for offices, etc.. Already underway and practiced heavily in the private sector.

Bill promoting federal teleworking goes to Obama -


  1. I really think this is simply a waste of money.

    The long-term effects might be a reduction in cost of government overall, but it seems to me that the government needs more short-term solutions. This long term solution might be a good idea don the line, but for right now it's a waste of effort and money.

  2. Did anyone see that study on how being jet lagged and switching time zones so often caused long term memory and learning problems in hamsters?

    We currently have jet lagged policy makers making policies for us.

    Just sayin'.

    I think it's a good idea in general, though. If they're telecommuting more, than they have more time with their families and the general public. There are so many government buildings in high rent areas (e.g. NYC), that if we continued to make government based in telecommuting we could be looking at more revenue in the long run if you look at it that way (which the article points out). Then there's the whole environmental aspect in regards to less flying and commuting. All in all, I think it would be less stressful (unless tech support is terrible) which means better decisions and more care. It may even make lobbyists have a harder time doing their jobs! Plus, perhaps this is a step towards universal wifi (although that most likely wouldn't reach rural areas like Marquette). Afterall, I'm sure the government has to pay for these works wifi at home.

    It's already an issue, but they need to get on making the networks the government uses more secure though. This could be a step towards that too.

  3. I think this could actually be a good thing, giving more people the opportunity to work from home will reduce the cost of running government right now, which is something we need. Will it solve all of the long term problems we have, no probably not. But we need something now and this could be a way to achieve that.

  4. I agree, Brian. Although the long term effect may benefit the government in the aspect of reducing the cost of government, I also think that a more, short term approach is the answer to our problems. We should be focusing on solutions that could benefit us as a whole as soon as possible and put our effort into those aspects, instead of throwing up a prayer so to speak. However, I also agree with Connie that this would be a good opportunity to allow people to work from home, therefore enabling them to participate in other aspects that could be beneficial.

  5. Like I said, I see the long term effects being very helpful, but the short term problem is not solved, in my eyes at least, by this effort. Something to immediately reduce cost in any sector is precisely what we need.

    Though the jet-lag study raises an interesting point, I feel that most lawmakers are, I don't want to say pampered, but I wouldn't really compare them to, for example, professional athletes that go from east coast to west coast and the next day have to compete again.
