Monday, November 1, 2010

Federal election


Senate will go to a GOP majority if they get 10 seats now held by the Dems. Pundits say they get 8. Will the so called wave of Republican voters carry the GOP to the majority and give them 10 more seats?

US House will flip to GOP control if they get a minimum of 39 new seats. Guess they may get 60 to 64, but they only need 39.

In Senate watch the vote in Nevada, Colorado, Pennsylvania and Illinois. also California and Ohio.

In the House races watch those seats that went Dem in Obama election in 08. If those start to flip then the Dem losses in House go toward the 60 plus losses and a GOP majority in House.

In 1st CD McDowell wins if his voter turnout machine is very, very successful. If not he losses. McDowell must counter the GOP so called wave with a huge Dem turnout in the UP. He losses if he does not get both.

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