Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sense of Urgency for the State

Is it me or are you also feeling a lack of urgency by our state leaders that are about to take office after the election this Tuesday? Both Republicans and Democrats. There seems to be little concern or few suggested remedies for dealing with our huge fiscal crisis, our education crisis (K-12 drop out rate; poverty in schools, public employee health care costs, pension costs, and high cost of tuition for students in our universities, university graduation and completion rate, etc.)our local government crisis, etc., etc.. Where is the innovation, where are the solutions that should follow he outrage.


  1. Maybe the strategy of both parties are to focus more on what they know and can stand behind without a doubt. All issues you stated are large complicated issues that take a lot of time to figure out. If they try to explain these large complicated issues, they could possibly mess up. The slightest mistake in a campaign can throw a candidate off.

    jeramy waterman

  2. Good point Jeramy, it's like they are fighting in a glass house. Each party is afraid to take a strong stand on either side. On the other hand, they have no problem telling what each of their opposing candidates opinions, by letting the public know what bills they voted on or what they did in the previous or current position.
    Another reason I think we haven't seen a real sense of urgency is because of all the budget cuts, it's hard to campaign when you know most of what you are going to have to change, is probably not going to make everyone happy. Either the big corporation are going to be rewarded, the smalls businesses or just have a even playing field for both. In any of these situations one of the groups is going to be impacted more. Right now its hard to say which one it is going to be. It's just a hard time to campaign during, they know something needs to be changed, but do they have the resources (money) and the support (federal government, local government, interest groups, etc.)?

  3. I feel they should start to say their opinions more in campaigning let the public know how they really feel. we want to know the truth and we don't want to hear about it from the opposing party. I realize it may jeopardize their campaign but if we hear it from them personally then they may win. You never know until you try it.I do feel the lack of urgency although those issues are controversial and most politicians don't really want to touch much on those issues while campaigning. it can hurt them though those are the issues all of us want to hear about. We hear what their views are from the opposing party.
