Monday, October 18, 2010

Closing weeks of campaign

Look for more and more political advertising to occur in last couple of weeks of this election-and itnwill get nastier and nastier. Interesting that we are hearing less radio advertising this political season and more direct mail via snail mail and via email. Of course TV is still king. Citizen journalism is growing by leaps and bounds. Everyone with a cell phone can take a picture andnpost it on the web or use their flip camera to record behavior or actions of a candidate. No source checking, no ethical standards just a citizen posting a picture or video on the open source Internet .

1 comment:

  1. Change! It's good, and technology proves this! For candidates to reach their targeted groups and individuals they need to use the means of communication that is most used by general public. For senior citizens, which are most likely to be a large sum of the voter turnout, snail mail and house calls work, but more the new generation this is not the case. Citizens’ ages 18-30 most likely don't rely on snail mail or house call, most don’t even own a house phone. The younger generation is always on the go and we want our information accessible on the go. We the younger generation are the future and we will soon, if not already, be demanding agendas and issue to be voiced by our elected officials.
    So what is the best way to reach the public, more specifically the younger generation? With the younger generation moving towards technology and at a very fast place, leaves politicians adapting to new ways of communicating their campaign platforms to the public. With new venues of communication come new obstacles and strategies.
    In this day in age we have seen this change before our eyes. The younger generation has a short attention span and wants their information fast and easily accessible. The majority of younger adults do not depend on the radio for entertainment or news, they have iPods and the internet without commercials, this leave us with TV, which today is very popular means of entertainment among the younger generation. The competition has adapted to the publics attitude, but has led to a more aggressive campaigning strategies. Politicians have results to airing their competition’s dirty laundry to get votes.
    Do scandal’s and errors get peoples attention? Yes it does, but it does not give any examples of what the candidate’s platform is. This is the problem with this change, but the change has happen. So, now let’s work on the solution. Politicians need to not given into the media demand of drama. Politicians need to state their platforms accurately and truthfully, this way the public can vote truthfully and informative.
    We are in the last couple of weeks of the candidate’s campaigns and all you see is what the competition is doing wrong, what the competition has previously voted on, what the competition has done illegally? My question for those “accusing candidate” is what are you going to do different? To me you all seem the same, you have all resulted to dirty tactics of pointing the finger, blaming the economy, and folding to media’s demand of dramatization.
