Monday, March 29, 2010

Sports, Tuition and State Aid

The Iowa Board of Regents (for the three public universities) has passed a resolution calling for an investigation as to whether with all the cuts in state aid and increases in tuition put on students and families, the universities should be prohibited from allowing any state aid or tuition money to be spent on NCAA sports--football, hockey, etc.. All these sports must be self sustaining--ticket revenue and donor revenue are the only things that can be used to support these athletic programs.

Interesting eh?

The argument being presented is whether it is fair to allow money to be diverted from academic purposes into these other extra curricular programs.

Several other states are doing the same investigation.

Michigan, your serve!


  1. I don't think tuition funds should go for funding NCAA sports or extracurricular activites. Tuition is supposed to be the students tax for their education not funding a recreational activity. Extra curricular activities can be obtained elsewhere without spending the money students pay for their already very expensive education. In most college town there are plenty of places to go to join teams or do volunteer work and that sort of thing since they look good on resumes sometimes. The college experience can be just as rich without all the extras that not everyone may use. The activity fee is a good idea i think since it helps pay for things that the students vote for so there is at least a large interest in what the money is being spent on, but with tuition being spent automatically on extra curricular there maybe a small percentage of people who are really interested in what the money is being spent on.

  2. i support what you are saying but when looking at this from the viewpoint of a university there "might" be a problem. When i was in high-school i didn't ever notice advertisements for universities on tv or the radio. Where i did see universities a lot is when NCAA basketball is happening and the brackets are being filled out, or who is going to be the D1 champs in hockey any given year. This goes for all sports. Right now MSU is in the final four for NCAA basketball and NMU is who Im always rooting for in D1 hockey. The point im presenting is that on top of having these extra activities like sports, there is also a very large scale of advertisement for these schools. I am all for having a lower tuition at the sacrifice of extra curricular activities but the universities might not want to lose the advertisement, or just the fact of saying we provide you with all these activities to be a part of might draw more kids than a university who doesn't provide all the extra curricular activities.

  3. I agree but I also think that the number of people who choose a college solely on the NCAA team is very limited. extra curricular activities can have a larger draw sure but the only people I can see logically choosing a college based solely on the sports team would be the players themselves, and that is not an all that of a large number. Most people search out the colleges that are the best match for them instead of browsing through the sports channels for an interesting looking college.

  4. I think the colleges would have to do more advertising anyway if they relied solely on ticket sales for sports because they'd probably be more expensive, so they'd have to attract a larger base to get the revenue. It might even create programs or at least give some marketing students more opportunities to shine.
