Granholm: Sales tax on services needed to bolster education
Mark Hornbeck / Detroit News Lansing Bureau
Lansing -- Gov. Jennifer Granholm defended her proposal to extend the sales tax to services on a cable TV news show this morning, saying Michigan "has to invest in education" to convert from a manufacturing to a knowledge-based economy.
The governor said on MSNBC that Michigan has "a big, hairy audacious goal of doubling our number of college graduates." In order to do that, she said the state has to stop cutting education spending, which it did this year by $165 per student.
Since public school aid is funded primarily with sales taxes, the state needs to update and stabilize its sales levy by expanding it to include most services, Granholm said. In the past century, about 60 percent of consumer purchases were made on goods and today about two-thirds is spent on services, she said.
I agree with everything Governor Granholm said in this article. I am absolutely in favor of a sales tax and if that money goes toward education then it just makes it a better deal. In the presentations we attended both Dr. Olson and Dr. Ballard spoke abou the service tax and how it would benefit our state. Our society has moved to a services society where we hire contractors do build things for us instead of building it ourselves. We have moved from a society that used mainly goods to a society that uses mainly services and it is time our state recognizes that and acts accordingly.