Saturday, August 15, 2009

One Day Legislature

Well the Michigan legislaure is coming into session for one day this week. No major issues to debate and vote on the floor because no major bills have been reported out of the committies.

They were not in session for most of July. Even the US Congress stayed in session during the month of July, only returning home in August for a brief amount of time to visit with their voters in their districts. With the tone of the "town hall meetings" they may have wished that they did stay in DC.

However, it seems with the state in such disarray and with no resolution of the current fiscal year deficit and the looming fiscal crisis starting Ocotber 1--FY 10/11, you would think that the Michigan legisalture would stay in session just to let the citizens of Michigan know that they are a full time legislature and they are continuing to try to resolve our fiscal problems. Hmmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree!! I think putting the worries of michigan citizen should be at the top of legislatures priority list and it seems that it isn't there at the bottom or at all..
