Sunday, November 27, 2011

Emergency Financial Managers Act to be on Ballot in '12

It looks like the group collecting signatures to force a ballot vote on this new law do have enough signatures-according to the group.

They will file well over the 164,000 signatures needed. State will have 60 days to certify signatures and if certified then the question will be on the November 2012 ballot.

Once the signatures are certified the EFM law becomes null and void until the people vote on it in 2012.

This means that the cities and school districts that have EFMs will not have them-they will be out of office. Local elected officials will run the local unit until the vote. This includes Deteoit Schools and maybe the City of Detroit.

If the signatures are certified this will be a big, big loss for the Governor and a huge win for the Democrats in the Legislature and for public employee unions.

US Senate Race

Former Congressman Pete Hoekstra seems to be solidly in the lead in the GOP primary, which will be held next August. He is running a solid and steady field operation and getting more and more endorsements. Same with his fundraising.

His opponenet Clark Durant, after an initial splash from his candidacy announcemnet seems to be leveling off and not getting much traction. Many activists in the charter school movement have signed on early with Mr. Durant who now runs a charter school in Detroit. He has been helped by an early endorsement by political activist Betsy DeVos of Grand Rapids.

Also many observers think Pete Hoekstra is doing better since in stopped focusing so much on foreign affairs (he was for chair of House Intelligence Committee) and now speaks and comments more on economy, debt, jobs and domestic policy.

Way to early to call this primary but early indicators seems to say that Pete's campaign is growing and moving fast. A snapshot of today but an intersting one.

Leg Returns on Tuesday, November 29th

Back from a deer hunting and Thanksgiving break the Legislature looks like it will do unemployment insurance reform. If state does not act soon it will face massive federal penalities and the program in Michigan could implode. Of course the unemployment insurance fund is in trouble because of huge layoffs since 2008 in auto industry and other Michigan based businesses.

Senate and House both have bills and are holding joint hearings--somewhat rare.

Could be the only issue that Gov and the Leg move forward in the brief December session. Might be some action on more K-12 reform and charter school cap lifting, but not sure at this point. More news this week.

Seems positive that there will be no action on issues such as The Bridge to Canada, Right to Work, electric dereg etc....

More to come.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Close Of Michigan Leg Session

Leg and Gov have about 30 days to complete legiislativeagenda for 2011 sesion.

Gov got a big win from Mich Sup Court when they ruled last week that he can tax pensions.

So what is left to do in 2011?

Lift charter cap? Add tax on car reg and apply to roads? Gas tax increase? Not likely?

K-12 reforms-- more of them?

Other. ?

Might just come back for a week or two in Dec , clean up a few minor issues and o home or the year.

Super Committee report due 9.23

If no agreement to cuts and revenue then $1.2 Trillion in cuts happen automatically. Not sure America is aware or really ready for magnitude of these automatic cuts. Cuts range from Social Security, payroll tax, Pell Grants, etc.

If no agreement on Wednesday it will make for interesting Thanksgiving table discussion- or family fights.

Funding For Universities in Michigan

Gov's Budget Director has asked all universities to propose how all should be funded and performance measured . What metrics would each U propose be applied to them and which ones should be applied to ALL U's.

These proposals were due Nov 18.

So now we all will see what each U proposes once they are released by DMB/Gov or via FOIA requests by each U to see what their fellow U's are proposing, or by employee groups or other special interests.m

Might not hear from Gov until his Feb 2012 Budget Address.

Major change is coming now we just see what the change proposals are to be debated.

Gov wins in Sup Ct

Court said Gov's pension tax is okay. But said no to the imposition of " progressive income tax" provisions.

Now with that done what does Gov and legislature do ith Gov's agenda in final 30 days of the 2011 session?

Charter cap removal ? Infrastructure tax vehicle registrations? Higher Ed reforms vi funding formula ? More K-12 reforms?

Lot has been done in this 2012 session- biggest list in a decade. Maybe Gov should just let leg go home, talk to voters and come back in Jan 2012 and get back to work.