Sunday, September 18, 2011

Decline of Manufacturing- New Future in US for Manufacturing

Could the US start making stuff again. lost one third of all manufacturing jobs in last decade.

Possible? Or just wishful thinking?

Outsourcing versus on-sourcing.

Productivity of US worker 3 times higher than I terminational workers.

Build where we sell is the theme.

Lake Oeipn GM plant the union workers will make $16 per hour. Well below the medium wage. Great experiment t by UAW and GM.

Innovation happens on factory floor not just in R&D labs.

US leads in innovation.

Need a modern day manufacturing policy in US according to Dow CEO

Private sector need not be afraid of a conversation with government according to Dow CEO. It is crucial to our future he says.

Tourism Since 911

We have lost one third of all international tourist because of new visa rules.

Every visitor from China spends a minimum of $4000 per visit.

In US if we changed visa rules and opened our borders to international tourists we would gain over 1.3 million tourists from around the globe.

Right to Teach

Michigan GOP legislators have introduced a bill called Rifht to Teach law. Equal to Right to Work proposal. This just applies to teachers. K-12.

Might be expanded to higher education profs.

Is it anti union or just anti MEA?

Mig be GOP' s chance to get even with the MEA and not have to take on ALL unions-just teachers.

Right to Work Legislation gaining ground in Michigan

Legislators in GOP pushing hard. Gaining sponsors.

Snyder says it is not a priority of his now, BUT if it comes to his desk will he sign it????? Big, big question. I bet he is tempted. Will labor offer to not be active in next Gov election if he vetoes? Will Gov bite?

Leg could pass this Fall.

Health Care Jobs

Jeff Imelt , GE CEO, says there are 400,000 health job open gs now. Need to train people for them. He is Obama 's Job Czar.

Imelt is hiring 15,000 jobs this year but expanding world wide with jobs that used to be US based. Result of global economy. Unstopple. Can we get more here in US at the current wage structure. Biggest debAte of the decade.

Watch Gov Snyder and President's Job Proposal

Will Snyder's " not opposed " rssult in more infrastructure money for Michigan. Might be an interesting strategy . Governor 's are a practical lot- help me build my state. Less into partisan rhetoric -Congress might want to follow.