Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dem Party Chair to Not Seek Reelection

Mark Brewer the head of the Michigan Democratic Party is said to be not seeking reelection. After some big, big wins by the Democratic Party under his leadership, the Party suffered some HUGE losses this year under Brewer. Not all his fault and maybe not any chance he could have controlled any of it--but someone has to pay the fiddler. Now who replaces him and does organized labor own him? The moderates? The liberals?

Legislature Done

Well they are gone and home. Out with old and in with the new. Interesting to see what the new Administration and new Legislature will set as priorities. This is not a divided government. Far from it. The Republicans own it all--all three branches. No one to blame. Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches all controlled. No one to blame. Also a great opportunity. Lets see what the new agenda is for early 2011