Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Next Gov

With what the next Gov will face when they take office in January 2011 you wonder who would want the job.

You walk into your office the first day and you know younhave reorganize and reprioritize Gov't and younhave to cut almost $2 billion from the state budget. You have maybe six months to getbthis done.n

Whatbdo you do first? Who do you bring in to help? Whatbdo you cut to get you $2 billion? What constituency do you take on first? What battle do you wage first? Whonare your friends? Enemies?

Next Gov

With what the next Gov will face when they take office in January 2011 you wonder who would want the job.

Primary Numbers

Usually the vote totals give the Dems twice as many total votes as the GOP.

This year it was the opposite . Twice as many Republicans voted in the primary -- or were they really Dems or were they Independents and/ or Democrats.

1.2 million votes cast for Snyder and then other Republican candidates for Governor. Bernaro got 500,000.

Who were these new "Republican" voters? Will they cast their votes for Snyder in the Fall or go back to the Dem side?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dems and Lt Gov

Dillon saysnhenis not interested in the Lt Gov slot. Alma Smith she was asked to think about it by Bernaro folks. Maybe Bernaro should start thinking about somennew blood for his ticket-someone from outside Lansing political ghetto? Some new ideas by new people? Hmmm.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Next Lt Governor - WHO?????

Gov candidates usually use gender, geographics or philoshopical bacckground of possible Lt Gov nominees. Maybe this is the time for different considerations? What? Who?

Should Snyder ago to the West side of Michigan he could go with former Senate Majority Leader Ken Sikkema, Congressman Hoekstra, Senator Mark Jansen, SOS Land or some other former or current office holder. Might be interesting to look at some folks not from politics, but on the other hand Snyder is not from politics and is from the corporate sector.

Maybe he should look for a very successful leader from the not for profit sector? Non health care- more from charitable sector. Names? Types?

So is Snyder's ideal candidate for Lt Gov someone from West Michigan, female, in government, and who is strongly pro life-- considering who and what Snyder is and how he won the primary? Who is that?

Now what about the Democrat--Bernaro..

He is a pro choice Democrat from mid Michigan so he could pick east or west. Would he be better off going east because of the strong Dem base and more liberal centrist voter in east Michigan region?

How about State Rep Byrnes? Mayor Bing? Speaker Dillon? Who else?

Lt Govs- Choices

Both parties have to chose one soon. sort of an irrelevant post but required. Maybe the next Governor should give his Lt Gov something to do other than presiding over the Senate- breaking the rare, rare tie vote. What job could we give the next Lt Gov- not just ceremonial or just the mundane like running the selected state agency/department. What could he or she do to help refine, reorganize and /or restructure our state to bring it into the future as a strong, relevant, successful state? Ideas?

State Budget - 53 days

Huge deficits, revenue flat and no agreement on tax reform (cuts, realignment and/increases) confront us with only about 53 days left until the new fiscal year begins on October 1st. Legislature is on vacation, Governor is on cable television and trying to get the President to appoint her to something-anything. State of our state is at best disturbing and maybe in a huge crisis of leadership and finances.